Sunday, November 30, 2008

Sunday Evening

Dad has woken up every time we've gone into visit. Every time we tell him he is doing so good, he shakes his head "No." Of course, his memory is being sick in the chair and then waking up with tubes down his throat and nose. It's hard to see him like that. However, I asked him if he was ready to go home and shoot his bow, and he nodded "Yes." He also nodded yes to several visitors who asked him if he recognized them.

Ventilator is still at lowest setting, 40% Oxygen, and he is breathing 25-28 breaths per minute, while the machine is doing 14 bpm. Nurse said that is right where they want it, because any more than mid-20's on his own means he is stressed. Kidneys are producing 40-45cc per hour, and nurses say anything above 30 is good...but will likely have a dialysis session tonight or tomorrow. He is squeezing his hand when you hold it and ask him to, and he kept trying to move his arm...don't know if he was trying to pull out tubes, or just trying to "love on us." He gets VERY alert when you talk about any of the four grandkids or Higgins (the dogs).

WHAT TO PRAY: That the Lord continue to spare his life (we keep reminding people that he is in ICU...which is never "good"), and continue to incredible healing. That the Lord would grant him PEACE, and COURAGE, as it's easy to get depressed and anxious in ICU when you are conscious. Also that the Lord would repair any neuro damage and speed physical and other therapies that will be needed.

1 comment:

Pharris Family said...

We are praying for Tim and your family