Friday, April 10, 2009

Exciting Updates!

Once again I am way late on updating this blog for you guys and I am so sorry. I am going to try to make a point to update it once a week even if it is to post minimal info.

Last Saturday we took dad out to eat!!!! He taught himself how to get in and out of the car with his slide board and was craving a hamburger and onion rings from chili's. We were going to bring it to him but he was determined to get out for a little bit if his nurse would let him. We were able to take him out and it was awesome! His sister was in town also from San Antonio so that made it extra special. Needless to say he was exhausted from the little outing and pretty much slept the next day and a half. Oh, another great accomplishment that happened when we were out.... (again trying to figure out exactly how to word this) dad could tell that he needed to have a bowel movement as we were leaving Chili's. He was able to control his internal body enough that he held it in until he was able to get back to his room and to his bathroom (about 10-12 minutes). This is HUGE!!!!! He is on no official bowel program, this is God's program.

Dad is also back to cathing himself and doing this daily with success. He also told me a couple of days ago that with his bowel movements he is able to successfully make it to the bathroom and is only having an accident in his diaper once every few days.

Things are going good in physical therapy. I walked in there yesterday at the very end of it and I really liked that the therapist was sitting with dad doing the arm strengthening exercises with him. I know when I was a basketball coach I would always run with my girls, do plays with them, etc...and it makes a difference. I felt the same with dad and seeing his makes a difference.

Please continue to keep mom in your prayers. She continues to have a lot on her plate and things are not looking good for her mom, MeeMaw. I went Wednesday with mom to visit MeeMaw and she looked horrible. Last week MeeMaw got lost after lunch trying to walk back to her room, and she has a bump on the back of her head but doesn't remember how she got it. We talked with her about moving to a nursing home but she doesn't think she could survive the move. MeeMaw has been in the assisted living home for a year now and has a few workers that really look out for her. They make sure if she doesn't come down at meal time that she gets her food in her room and she even has one that prayers with her every night before MeeMaw goes to bed. MeeMaw continues to be in alot of pain with her back and her body all over feels horrible. Mom is in contact with her doctors to get MeeMaw on some stronger drugs to just keep her comfortable for whatever time she has left. After talking to the nurse of MeeMaw's internist...the nurse said that she is portraying herself like someone that has cancer. We do not know if MeeMaw has cancer, I don't know if something like that would show up on an MRI, but the Doctors have never mentioned anything about cancer. At 87 years old either way, our goal is to keep her as comfortable as possible. She keeps talking about wanting to go "home" and we don't think this is a house here on earth. Needless to say this is very stressful, especially for mom on top of just everything else going on. Mom is an only child and my brother and myself can only do so much as grandchildren.

Please continue to keep all of this in your prayers. Pray for all of our strength and endurance during this time....especially mom's. God Bless!!


Cherie said...

You are continuing to be in daily prayer as we start and finish each day and also as we pray together at each shared meal of the day. We may never know the "why" of all that we are asked to bear in this life but I am convinced there is a glorious answer awaiting us.

Colleen & Joey said...

Praise God. Your family is continually in our prayers. May God's glory and grace continue to shine upon all.