Thursday, April 23, 2009

Video of Dad; Update and Prayer Request

Well I was able to go today to dad's rehab and get video of him trying to walk. Sorry its not the most still video, I was trying to keep up with David while video taping.

I also happen to be there when Dad's Doctor came in. This was the first time I had met him, but heard wonderful things about him. He went on and on at how much progress dad has made and was so excited for him. Through us talking dad is able to now fully dress himself and has learned how to do that in his wheelchair. He can even put on and off his chucks (shoes), he is also able to shower himself. Dad has been having severe burning pain in his feet around 10pm at night once he was settled and not moving around anymore. The Dr gave him some medicine that you would give someone with Fibromialga (sp?) and it has taken the pain away. I mentioned how we were told a month into all this that he could have symptoms of that, which from the doctor's response had not been mentioned to him before.

Just from my visit today the main prayer he needs as far as physical therapy goes is continueing the task of learning how to walk again. As you can tell from the video he is making progress and also still has a long ways to go. He has been healthy and continued prayer that he stays healthy also.

In Addition....

Please keep us in your prayers with MeeMaw. Friday night at 10pm I got a call from my mom, saying that we needed to call 911 for MeeMaw (her mom) to be taken from her assisted living home to the ER. When I got to the ER MeeMaw was in so much pain he was gripping the handrails of the stretcher, back arched, clinched teeth/head, rigid body etc. Immediately she was given pain meds and an IV as we soon discovered on top of everything else she had a UTI which was making the back pain worse. She was also 95% of the time spaced out and completely unresponsive. Well here we are Thursday she was returned back to her assisted living home under their care along with Hospice and a group of doctors and nurses that will be going to her to help (last night she went back to the assisted living home). She is unable to get out of bed, she is at times unresponsive, when she is responsive it is mainly with facial expressions and rarely any words spoken. She is unable to feed herself and as of 1pm this afternoon unable to eat at all. She is breathing on her own and is on meds for the pain that are suppose to be closely monitored. It is no quality of life and I personally pray that God takes her home quickly.

It is 3:20pm on Thursday afternoon, I just talked to my sister in law and she just left MeeMaw's place. She said that MeeMaw looked comfortable in her bed, she was given a Boost type of drink and sipped on it and water while they were there. My sister in law mentioned that she had some memory at times and not at other. She smiled a little also. It seems that the afternoon is going better then this morning. My mom will be there around the evening so we will see what mom has to report back tonight.

Please continue to keep all of us in your prayers as we all have alot on our plates right now. We just feel pulled, pushed and knocked down and need the strength physically, emotionally and mentally to keep going. From all of us thank you so much for all the prayers and support!!

P.S. I know that there are way more people following this blog then are actually registered as a follower. If you want to send a message to dad or mom then you can email me at Please keep the messages for dad seperate then for mom. With them still not living under the same roof they will be dilevered to seperate places.


Cherie said...

Good progress. It is clear from the video that he is erect based on upper body strength holding him on the leaning bar and hand holds. They had to keep locking his knees so his legs would support him. This is good progress for a spinal cord injured person and Christopher Reeve was at this level at one point.

When he is able to be erect and move while locking his legs, he will have the potential of moving to outpatient rehab. Yay!!!!

I suggested to your mom a couple of weeks ago that she request Hospice for MeeMaw to get pain under control. Her passing would be tragic with all that is going on in your family and my guess is she senses that and may need permission to let go.

We continue to hold all of you in prayer.

Elizabeth said...

Actually dad was locking his knees himself. The PT was more of just monitoring, feeling that he did lock his knees. Dad has not locked his knees before and fallen straight down. Dad said he learned real fast the importance of really remembering to lock his knees. He still has a long ways to go but at least he is headed in the right direction.