Sunday, November 30, 2008

Sunday Evening

Dad has woken up every time we've gone into visit. Every time we tell him he is doing so good, he shakes his head "No." Of course, his memory is being sick in the chair and then waking up with tubes down his throat and nose. It's hard to see him like that. However, I asked him if he was ready to go home and shoot his bow, and he nodded "Yes." He also nodded yes to several visitors who asked him if he recognized them.

Ventilator is still at lowest setting, 40% Oxygen, and he is breathing 25-28 breaths per minute, while the machine is doing 14 bpm. Nurse said that is right where they want it, because any more than mid-20's on his own means he is stressed. Kidneys are producing 40-45cc per hour, and nurses say anything above 30 is good...but will likely have a dialysis session tonight or tomorrow. He is squeezing his hand when you hold it and ask him to, and he kept trying to move his arm...don't know if he was trying to pull out tubes, or just trying to "love on us." He gets VERY alert when you talk about any of the four grandkids or Higgins (the dogs).

WHAT TO PRAY: That the Lord continue to spare his life (we keep reminding people that he is in ICU...which is never "good"), and continue to incredible healing. That the Lord would grant him PEACE, and COURAGE, as it's easy to get depressed and anxious in ICU when you are conscious. Also that the Lord would repair any neuro damage and speed physical and other therapies that will be needed.

November 30th 3:15pm

Dad has been awake a good amount today. I (Elizabeth) wasn't here for the 11 am visit but I know that he gently nodded his head a couple of times with mom and Julie in there.

This afternoon at the 2pm visit I was in there first and started talking to him and letting him know that we have alot of visitors and that mom and us were taken care of...he started tearing up and a couple came out. I was able to wipe them away and kiss his forehead. He also held eye contact with me for about 20 seconds with his eyes open. Also when I held his hand and I told him that it was me holding his hend he closed his fingers around mine. Any time during that visit that we mentioned how he was doing well and making progress, he would gently shake his head no. This visit was extrememly hard to me, I guess I just didn't know what to expect with him being somewhat awake...very emotional once I was able to walk out away from him. He is still considered in very critical condition, although making great progress.

They are taking the Dyalysis day by day, today he didn't need it, tomorrow they will check again to see if he does. They also have these boot looking things on to keep his feet pointing up. Nurse said that if they don't then when they are learning/trying to walk again their feet point down, stubb toes, etc. This is considered the start of his rehab. Nurse also said that they are able to work on building back the strength in his diaphram by the force of the Ventilator (different then oxygen output), so they are starting that rehab also.

Please continue prayers for: all his organs and damage to them...that in the end there won't be any, that he will be able to relax and have peace while he is awake some, nerologically no damage (I found out that he was without oxygen/pulse for 10 minutes, not the 3 I had thought), strength for mom and family as a whole, and guidance with all his nurses and doctors.

Thank you so much for all the support!

Saturday, November 29, 2008

November 29 9:40pm & Info about tomorrow

Dad continues to be the same with the 8pm visit. We have the same PM nurse that we have had the last 2 nights.

Tomorrow: Mom will not be at the hospital between the 2 and 6 visits. She is leaving quickly after the 2pm visit to go home and take care of a few things and then returning for the 6 pm visit. During that gap Elizabeth will be up at the hospital, visitors are welcomed although for the main support of mom, she will not.

Thank you again for all the prayers and family support, it is amazing the work that God has done in dad and what a testiment it is to everyone around us!

Blood Donations

We've had a lot of offers for blood donations for Dad. He is on dialysis, and has had several blood transfusions over last 5 many, unsure. We don't know how the donations work, but either way, it is the "gift of life" whether he uses it or someone else does, and I believe he will get "credits" for whatever he's already used so far. Their chart downstairs says they are REALLY low on both O+ and O- types, as well as platelet donations. So if anyone wants to donate at Methodist hospital in Dad's name, that'd be awesome, and don't worry about the blood type. Make sure to give his name. The blood donation center is in the Fondren Bldg. room 102. ALSO, they will give you FREE VALET PARKING so that it is a no-cost trip for you. Only open weekdays, I'd recommend to call in advance even though it is not necessary.

November 29th Update from 2pm visit

This was my (Elizabeth) first time to meet the nurse that we have today. She is such a sweetheart and yes was there on Monday and as soon as you mention Monday she just tears up.

When mom and I first went in Dad was on very very little sedation. As soon as we started talking to him we are guessing it stirred him and he started gagging on his vent tube. This was very hard for mom to see as his face was frowning also. The nurse had to suction him out also...she couldn't watch that part so we just hugged until it was over. Good news though is that when mom when to talk to him after all that, dad opened his eyes for again just a second or two. This was as a reaction though to her voice, she didn't ask him to open his eyes. She started praying over him for him to be able to relax, and he did for the rest of our visit.

He is back on a low low drip for the blood pressure being a little high although they are not concerned about it and said that if it was going to be one way or the other they would rather it be a little high then a little low.

The new Dialysis machine is the type where it will be on for about 3ish hours a day and then off. It does in that 3 hours what it would have done all day. So the plan was from when we were in there: It was currently on, then he will be off of it until tomorrow, they will check and see if he needs it again, and if so use it and if not then check again later to see if he needs it. This way it doesn't have to be on 24 hours a day and it can be as needed.

Thanks again for all the prayers and support! I can't express how much this means to our family and what a blessing it has been!!!

Saturday Morning

Folks, God is SOOOO good! Let us not forget that Dad is still in ICU, which at face value is not "good news," but his progress is such a testimony to prayer.

Last night his heart corrected itself into a proper sinus rhythm! Blood pressure is a little wacked-out at 150/62, but with all the meds he's on, they are not too concerned. He is on NO nitroglycerin for his heart either! Yea!!! They are only going to use the dialysis machine intermittantly, as he's doing so well. Also, no blood in his urine and no rectal bleeding!

Today's nurse was with Dad when he came in on Monday, which means she probably worked CPR on him even AFTER he was on the heart and lung bypass machine. She said "I am very familiar with what happened to your father," and you could tell she was overjoyed at his current condition. God Bless these doctors and nurses for the care and love they have, and for all of you who are praying.

Friday, November 28, 2008

Friday Evening update

This afternoon/evening fairly stable. The most significant is that his heart rate is down to a consistent 75bpm, and his blood pressure is at 116/62 (again, NO MACHINES FOR THAT!!!). Great news. Also, his lungs are getting better and better, with him taking approximately half of the breaths on his own and the fluid build-up at half of what it was just 12 hours previous. His heart is in much better shape than it was on Monday evening (no big surprise there) according to EKG.

This weekend they plan on just trying to keep him relaxed (on sedation) and stable to let the body heal. This unfortunately will be a marathon journey, but since the doctors didn't believe he'd survive on Monday, they are all talking very positive and hopeful...which is an answer to all the prayers being made on Tim's behalf. God bless you all for your faithfulness in prayer!

November 28th 3pm

They have succesfully taken him off of the pulmonary ballon and he is doing well!! Currently they are planning on maintaining where he is now over the weekend. He has been through several changes over the last couple of days with machines and meds and they want his body to maintain the great improvements he is having. We have a different nurse today then the one we had for the last 3 days, she seems great, so friendly and very informative.

We have had a phone sitting next to us the whole time (1 of 4 in the waiting area) but no one knew the phone we have it. It is: 713-441-3311. The other numbers are still good numbers also (they are 2 others in the waiting room) this is just an extra one that is next to us.

WHAT TO PRAY FOR: Again, his LIFE first and foremost, with quality of life. That dad will continue his improvements! And physical strength and health for Mom, and the rest of us as we are physically and emotionally drained, even with God's blessings this week.

Friday Morning

The Lord is answering so many prayers! Nurse told us this morning that last night was positively uneventful. His blood pressure is now being maintained without any medication. They put him on a feeding tube, and he has not reacted poorly to it (hopefully this will continue to strengthen his body...but they won't feed him Menudo, even though Tom Deliganis has offered to buy some). They took him off of sedation again, and he would open his eyes on command, and his hands/arms are still not quite the reaction they'd like, but he is "trying." He is being sedated simply to keep him resting.

BIG NEWS: The ventilator machine is now at 40% oxygen, which is the lowest they keep oxygen on that machine. He is also trying to take more breaths on his own. AND, today they are planning on removing the pulmonary balloon machine as they believe his heart is strong enough to do everything on it's own!

WHAT TO PRAY FOR: Again, his LIFE first and foremost, with quality of life. That God would guide the doctors in surgery today if they remove the balloon machine, and that dad will continue his improvements! And physical strength and health for Mom, and the rest of us as we are physically and emotionally drained, even with God's blessings this week.

November 28, PM Status

I'm sorry we are just now posting, I think exhaustion hit us and sleep became a priority. The last visit we were present for was 8pm, we felt that mom and the rest of us really need to rest and sleep.

A summary: Dad is still on the same machines and meds. None of his organs are declining they are either maintaining or getting stronger. His kidneys are still on the dialysis, although they are functioning better. They are suctioning his lungs periodically and they are getting less fluid out now then they were 24 hours ago. His heart is still working on its own. He is still in very critical condition but the rest and baby steps are getting him stronger everyday.

Thank you for the continued prayers!

Thursday, November 27, 2008

Many people have been visiting, which is such a boost to the entire family. Just to keep in mind, we have been going home at night around 10:30pm, and Mom doesn't return to the hospital until about 10-10:30am in the mornings. Also, Mom is always in the ICU during patient visitation hours, which are 11am, 2pm, 6pm, 8pm, and 10pm (20 minutes each time). So if you don't see her or anyone you know during those 20 minute intervals, we're bedside.

2pm Visit Update: Not a lot of changes. They have resumed some sedation simply to give him rest. Blood pressure seems a bit low, but they said they actually have him on meds to lower his they're not worried about it. Heartbeat is still irregular, but again not a lot of concern at this time. They turned his body to do routine checks, sanitation, etc. and said he did not react negatively to it. All in all, no "negative" excitement which is very, very good news. We will take baby-steps for as long as it takes, as long as God returns Tim to us with a quality of life! Continue to pray for his life, and physical / mental restoration. Our prayers are being answered daily!!!

November 27th 12:15pm

Praise God!!! We went in for the 11am visit and they have taken the sedation off. He is still "out of it" for a lack of better words as it will take days for him to come fully awake. He was able to open his eyes when the nurse said, "Tim open your eyes for me". He keeps them open for a couple of seconds but then will open them again if you ask him to, as few seconds, etc. Also she has been able to get him to move his fingers on both hands when she is holding his hand and asking him to, this is not consistant with everytime. When you are talking to him you can see his eyes moving around (under his eye lids) responding to you talking. Also he will do some closed eye blinking. When a friend David was in with mom and they were talking/praying for him a tear formed in the corner of his eye. Also we could tell from when we went to the point of being asleep to waking up some...he didn't open his mouth but you could see in his throat that he was having some gagging reflexes. He did this about 4 times and then stopped and was ok with the tube down his throat.

Last night went fantastic overall, they didn't have to shock him nor did they have to do any blood transfusions. The lung Dr came him early this morning and the nurse told us that as a result of them draining the fluid off of his chest and them having a drain connected to his chest his lungs are performing stronger. So there is hope there that if the fluid retention can stop that his lungs will continue to strengthen. The Cardio Dr was in there when we were at 11 and he said that his heart is beating at an irregular heartbeat although this is nothing to worry about. They are not going to shock him to change it because his heartrate is still normal (on his own) and other vital signs are doing well and stable....YES he actually used the word stable...first time. Of course things are still very critical and he is still on alot of machines as before (that hasn't changed from last night) but it was great to hear that word! They said that over a few days his heart could adust itself and so with things going so well they are going to give it that chance.

Well I hope I have remembered everything. Thank you for the continued prayer! Please keep up the prayers, support, visits, etc! Praise God!!!!!

Wednesday, November 26, 2008

November 26th 9pm

Since the 6pm visit, things are still looking promising. His heart beat is a bit fast and the sinus signature is not where it needs to be...however, the doctors are not too concerned as he is adjusting to the new machines. Nurse stated that while he is on a dialysis machine, his kidney function as measured by urine output is the same as a "normal" patient. Since he has more fluid than normal, he needs dialysis. So the kidneys are working, just not as hard as needed. But it's still a good sign. Blood pressure is steadily rising to where it needs to be since the machine's about 110/58 currently.

Prognosis? Still in critical condition, and watching the organs for damage and function. They are stating that it may be 2 days before trying to bring him out of sedation, but a nurse said they may attempt on Thanksgiving morning.

Prayers still the same: Continued improvement, every day. Organs to function, and full restoration of neurological capacities.

Thank you to EVERYONE who has visited, called, emailed, and prayed. Mom has really been bouyed by the love and care of everyone visiting and calling.

November 26th 4:20pm

Praise God! We just met with the Mechanics Dr and he was able to successfully remove the heart and lung bypass machine!! He is currently still on the ventilator and a pulmonay bulb machine to assist but the Doctors are very encouraged that they were able to remove him from the bypass machine so quickly. Surgery went well. He looks SO much better. The doctors have stated they are completely amazed that he has not only survived the 2 hours of off-and-on CPR, but that he has been recovering so well.

Also, earlier in the day that hooked an EEG up to him, and clamped-off his nose. The brain activity went crazy, which was a good sign that his brain knew it needed air through the nose and was trying to get it.

Funny story: The cardiologist's medical assistant saw the last name and said, "Hey, Telge! That's the town I am from!" He is from Germany, and the town is named after our family from many centuries ago (actually spelled Telgte in the old German fashion).

What to pray for: Continued progress with heart and lungs, that his kidneys would no longer need dialysis, and that other organs would continue to function. Wanting to regain consciousness soon, for neurological assessment.

November 26th 12:30pm

Howdy! We have started this blog to hopefully keep everyone informed on how things are going with my dad. First I want to thank everyone for all the prayer and support for they have shown the whole family it has been a true blessing!!

I am going to mention how things are as of the 11am visitation and then copy and paste the 2 previous emails that were sent out from Monday and Tuesday.

Currently: When we went in for the 11am visit the Mechanics Dr was there with Dad. He was able to explain the machines and monitors with such clarity. We also received GREAT news! Dad is currently opporating his own heart. They have even taken him off of the "heart" part of the heart and lung bypass machine. The doctor also said that if dad was able to maintain the oxygen level that he was currently at for an hour then they were going to try to remove the whole heart and lung bypass machine! He will still be on a ventilator at 100% but won't need the extra assistance of the blood circulation. We are praying that he will maintain and the machine can be removed. His organs are still critical and of course nerologically there are alot of unknowns. But it was fantastic news about the bypass machine. The doctor also said that the progress he has made over the last 2 days is just amazing and they are very surprised.

Now following are the emails from Mon and Tues to provide background to where we currently stand:

Monday November 24th
If this is the first time that you are hearing anything about my dad, I'm so sorry, we tried to make as many phone calls as we could. I apologize now for any wrong spellings, it is almost 11pm and it has been a long day.

My dad was taken to Methodist hospital this morning with the initial call to 911 because he was having a hard time breathing. Some back ground: two weeks ago he was told he has bronchitis he wasn't getting better so last Thursday he went back to the doctor and they said he had a small section of his lower right fold of his lung that has pneumonia so they changed his meds and sent him home. He would have times of feeling a little better then times of doing worse and finally it got to the point of where we are now.

In a nutshell my dad crashed several times on the way to the ER and at the ER and they had to do CPR on him off and on for roughly 3 hours. At one point they couldn't get a pulse for 10 minutes. We were unable to see him from about 9am-2pm because of the work they were having to do with him. They ended up having to put him on a ventilator and a heart and lung bypass machine.

Here is where we stand as of Mon Night: Dr say he is in critical, critical condition, has a serious infection although will be a couple of days before they know exactly what type it is. The infections Dr. has asked us several questions regarding his stomach, things he has eaten (I know he was having blood in his stools today also), anything imported (none), etc. So they are looking at other areas then just the pneumonia. They are also telling us that he has had a massive heart attack which they believe was as a result of his body fighting so hard against the infection. Their priority are the lungs and heart then neurological. With the machines they are able to run his body for him. Although they have some concerns with his organs failing on him as they are staring to see signs now of not only weekend with his heart and lungs but also some inflamtion of his liver. They have him under a light sedation because they are afraid that if he were to try to wake up then he would start fighting to help himself. His heart rate was around 150-160 so they actually want him to relax and let his heart rate go back down and start working regularly. With him fighting on his own and everything that is going on it would just cause continued problems. Now they said that he could hear us when we talk, but he looks as peaceful as you can with all the machines and tubes in him. He doesn't look tense at all. Last I saw him was around 630pm and his color looked better, his blood pressure was doing better and his body temp was felt good, he also lil ever so slightly less puffy. One concern for later is that if he is able to overcome the infection and wake up and operate his body on his own how will he brain function be. With as many time as they had to do CPR and for so long....they are really concerned that he has brain damage. Until he reaches that point of recovery there hasn't been a need to bring in the brain dr...that info will come later if it's God's will.

I think I have covered everything. Having family and any friends up there has been a blessing. We can only go and see him for 20 min at a time every few hours,2 family members at a time, so there is a long time between those short visits to sit and think. For my mom this is especially hard because she starts to think the worse, and she also blames herself for him getting so sick and not doing anything sooner. Please pray for her! The visitors have given her a chance to still be aware of what is going on yet be able to talk, cry, laugh, tell stories, etc. Sometimes I would just see her glance around at the different people talking to each other and feel so blessed.

Again thank everyone for your support and prayers! We have really felt the spirit of our Lord, prayers and blessings! I am praying that God's will be done, He knows the details of everything way before the Dr.s do and He knows how my dad's brain is functioning...and only God knows what is best for him.

Please pass this on to anyone.

God Bless You!!

Tuesday November 25th
Thank you a million times over for all the prayer, phone calls, emails, hospital visits, etc. I can’t express how much this means to my family. I didn’t get home from the hospital until around 11:30 last night and considering how poorly I spelt the night before and over 12 hours at the hospital I was exhausted and couldn’t think well enough to do this email. So here I am Wednesday morning. This is the update as of 10:30pm Tuesday night. We are being told multiple times that he did have a heart attack, then he didn’t and he did….well at 9pm last night his daily Doctor that my parents go to came up, looked at all the information she could on him so far and then came and talked to us for a good 30 minutes. This is her summary: All of his major organs have been damaged because of the loss of blood pressure, etc during the first few hours of all this. That includes that she mentioned: Heart, Lungs, Gall Bladder, Kidneys and Liver. She said that they don’t know to the extent any of them are because he is in to bad of a condition to be able to do any testing. So all in all with the heart…it is beating on its own now, which we are so thankful for, but we don’t know the extent of damage. He has had to have some blood transfusions over night Mon-Tues. His blood pressure is doing better although still having to be assisted some with a small drip. She also mentioned that it is a rarity that people they see come in and have the first day that my dad did on Monday, rarely even make it through the day…so that was a good sign as far as how strong his body is. She was also very realistic that he is very critical and that they are starting to see the function of some organs decline. He is still on the bypass machine and they tried to wean him off of that at one point and could not. His lungs have fluid and he is unable to get enough oxygen on his own. They are telling us that the longer he is on it, the less of a chance he will get off of it….which concerns Dr and they are trying their best to get him off as soon as they fell safe. His kidneys are in acute failure. Last night when they started what the Dr’s are hoping is a temporary Dialysis. Ultimately they are hoping that they can get the fluid out of his body and especially his lungs so then he can be able to operate on his own enough to get off the bypass machine (he is of course on the ventilator also). The Doctor did warn us that with the damage to his organs and some problems they are seeing…there is a chance that they will continue to decline and he will not make it. Their main Dr said that if he does make it then he will still be in the hospital for a good long time because they need to examine and test his organs, do extensive testing on his heart and then whatever is going to go into the neurological aspect. She also said that they have no way of really knowing as of now what his brain capacity is going to be once they are able to fix everything in the main body. She mentioned just trying to clear the liquid, and trying to get him to do his own oxygen and off the bypass machine could take weeks to get to that point. So that is where we stand for now with his machines and process’: Dialysis to get fluids out, hopefully lungs get strong and start working on their own then weaning him off of bypass. We found out yesterday afternoon that any pastor can go in there at anytime and pray for him, it doesn’t have to be at visiting hours. Praise God! We had one up yesterday after we found that out and he just walked in there with mom and no one said anything. From the information that we were giving here are the phone numbers to the waiting room: 713-441-3325 and 713-441-3326. Mom is talking to people more on the phone and of course has been so blessed by any visitors. We have been there long enough now that we know where families are stationed and people are good about coming and getting us or visa versa. Thank you again for all the help and support! I hope this has answered many of the questions you have.

God bless you!!!!!