Wednesday, December 31, 2008

New Year's Eve

Dad was in good spirits this morning, laying in bed with hands on his head, looking at the wall (looked quite content). He said he wasn't bored...looked like he was just chillin' out. He looked SO much better without the feeding tube in his nose, and the long tracheotomy in his throat. The new tracheotomy is actually a metal one, and is a "plug" model. They have stuck a small little rubber cork in it, and he is now taking oxygen through his nose. This means he is speaking from his mouth and not the trach. He will likely not get another trach...when time, this one will be removed and they'll let the stoma heal over!

Dad was feeling nauseous last night, so didn't drink his Ensure as he promised...for which he was chastised this morning (by me). He made sure to call me later in the day and said, "I drank it!" He needs the calories and nutrients. Think his nausea was from all the stuff he went through yesterday with PT, as he is now straining muscles that haven't been used much, and they are likely releasing stored-up toxins. He did some aggressive upper body PT this morning while having to balance on the side of the bed. The therapist said Dad does work hard during their sessions, and that he is not worried about him getting lazy about PT sessions. Go Dad!

Be praying that all his bodily functions continue to improve, including large muscle coordination and kidney repair. And if you want to visit (and are healthy), feel free! He loves visitors.

Tuesday, December 30, 2008

Added side note to Tuesday Stuff

They did downsize the tracheotomy this evening.

He is also having some swelling in his left ancle that is something new noticed today.

Tuesday stuff

I got to the hospital this morning, and noticed they had fed Dad with the feeding tube last night (which they hadn't done in several days, and the nurse told me yesterday that they weren't feeding him at night so that he'd be hungry). I asked the nurse which was going on: They were supposed to feed him and they weren't, or they weren't supposed to feed him and they were today. I said, "Either way, SOMEONE isn't reading the chart!" Apparently they WERE supposed to have been feeding him all this time, and were being lax. Anyway, she said if Dad would drink several Ensure drinks a day, the doctor would probably take out the feeding tube. Dad said, "ABSOLUTELY," so they took it out today at some point, and he was greatly relieved.

They did not take out his dialysis ports today, because the Cumadin (blood thinner) levels were too high. Won't give him the Cumadin today, and should take the ports out tomorrow. Doctors said that Dad's kidneys are operating at about 50%, and aren't sure whether or not they'll get much better...but they're "good enough." We are going to keep praying they WILL continue to improve, to full restoration!

They had Dad stand up today with the help of a medieval torture rack apparatus. He did well (but it was mostly the apparatus holding his weight). His left leg is now able to be raised about 3 inches too. He is determined to get out of the hospital sooner rather than later, so thankfully he is working hard every time they have any kind of therapy session.

Lastly, they will likely take out Dad's tracheotomy tonight, and replace it with a smaller one so that the stoma can start to heal itself up. They've had the new one sitting by the bed all day, but his main doctor has to do it...and he doesn't come in until the evenings/nights. Hopefully that will be done today too!

Events for Today

Just a short note to let you know dad is getting his feeding tube and his dialysis ports both taken out today. Please pray for his safety and for everything to go smoothly. Taking the ports out are considered a surgery. I do not know what time this will happen but as soon as we can get an update on how it all went and how he is doing, we will update.

Mom is also in Texas City today to take her mom to the doctor and try to get MeeMaw feeling better. Please pray for her day all together. As many of yall know a day with MeeMaw, espcially for mom and her position now, can be very hard on mom. As soon as she is finished with MeeMaw then she is back to be with dad. We have a great family friend staying with dad today while we are unable to be there. Praise God for his willingness and availability.

God Bless!

Monday, December 29, 2008

A very good Monday

Dad slept well last night, and had no issues to where he needed any "assistance." He again ate all his breakfast. They did another swallow-evaluation, and he passed! Yea! Now he can eat or drink anything on the menus they give him, and won't have to be "syrupy" liquids. Dad also sat up in one of the special chairs for about 3 hours today, which is good to get him in a more natural upright position. Also, they may take out Dad's dialysis ports on Tuesday or Wednesday, as they say he won't need them.

Mom spoke with the CEO of the hospital today about our issues. She said that he was very understanding, and listened to everything she had to say. He even took notes! He agreed that her concerns were valid, and that the nursing service level described was completely unacceptable. While we understand that this isn't ICU, the fact that no one would even attempt to respond for at least 45 minutes is ridiculous (in fact, a few times at night it took 2+ hours for a nurse to even pop a head in...what if you're choking, fallen, having a heart attack, have defecated on yourself, etc.???) . The little intercoms on the TV remotes don't work, so basically, a nurse HAS to come to the room to find out why they're being called. Mom did a great job of outlining everything reasonably and fairly, mentioned that the top supervisor's phone was ringing off the hook due to people calling out of desperation, and gave other patients' examples. So we are hoping he does something about it.

Thank you all for your prayers, visits, emails, etc. It has been a real blessing to Mom and Dad both. Dad has loved seeing old friends, even though the circumstances aren't ideal. Your love has been greatly felt these past 5+ weeks.

Sunday, December 28, 2008

Sunday...Day 35

Dad had to call the "top supervisor" number AGAIN at 2am last night, as no one was responding to his "emergency" button. Unbelievable to think that someone could truly need immediate attention, and they just don't seem to bother checking on them. Really scary. Sad thing is, this is not uncommon in a lot of rehab and other types of recovery hospitals (based on what people have been telling us).

Today he had Occupational therapy again, and asked to do lots of "extra stuff" that impressed the therapist, like dumb bells. He also lifted one of his legs up about 3 inches when they were moving him, which everyone was happy to see. Seems to be feeling well, and ate ALL of his lunch too.

Please pray that Mom and Sis get to talk with the appropriate supervisor on Monday regarding the horrible lack of response. While I sort-of want to be there for it, I'd probably end up going ballistic as I have low patience for bull-hockey and bureaucratic explanations of why things are "different" than they should be...I deal with enough of it on a daily basis, and am used to "my way or the highway." Probably not a good idea when my dad's health care is at stake. "A man's got to know his limitations," so I'll let the cooler heads have the discussion, and come in as the bad guy later on if needed.

Saturday, December 27, 2008

Sat Night Update

Well apparently last night after all the calling and talking to the supervisor that mom did, things got much better! Dad said that he had a good night. After they gave him his pain medicine he was able to sleep more then he had all week and the nurse came in during the night in a timely manor the few times he needed something. Praise God! From what I can tell things today went okay with the nurse.

We were not able to get an apointment with anyone at the other facility with it being the weekend. So we are going to stay where we are for now, give it through the weekend, see how things go and see if we have any changes while we are in a few days of not being being on a holiday skeleton crew. We figure with new years we will go back on skeleton crew for another couple of days next week. On Monday there are suppose to be 3 supervisors at Kindred instead of just one like it has been with the holiday, so on Monday mom is going to sit down and have a long talk about what has happened up to that point and what we expect. I am going to try my hardest to attend that meeting also. We were encouraged by how things went last night after the big ordeal and encouraged with there being more people on staff today. They are still not staying with him while he eats breakfast like they are suppose to as he needs one on one that will obviously be an important thing to address on Monday. Once again I plan on coming up with a list of topics.

Dad's doctor while at Kindred came in tonight (actually his sub while his dr is out for a couple of days) and mom said they had a real good conversation. Doctor said that dad is getting better and stronger everyday and looking good on his pace of recovery. They are also talking about taking his ports out that they use for Dialysis because he hasn't needed it for 8 days now and his numbers are also continuing to improve everyday. Another Great answer to all the prayers!!!

Dad is suppose to have another barium swallow test, either Sun or Mon. Dad is hoping for Sun and that he will be cleared to drink and eat like normal. Today while I was there he was talking about how he is REALLY tired of everything being a thick consistancy...and ready to take the test again with hopes of passing. They are also doing electrode (sp?) therapy on his legs now to try to get the muscles really likes this and it seems to be helping some. About an hour after he had done a session he was able to move his toes a little bit more. He still doesn't have all his feeling back...I know he is still numb at the ends of his fingers some, the tops of his feet and I'm not sure if it is all back in his toes yet. The doctor tonight said that because the tops of his feet are brused pretty bad it makes him think that they put in IV's there and if that is the case it is normal for it to take awhile to get all the feeling back.

Overall dad is looking a little better everyday. Today he looked alot better with actually getting some sleep last night. I just pray that tonight goes as smoothly, it's hard to have hope that it is just knowing how the nights can be in any hospital. He is starting to watch some cooking and fix it shows on TV...which are both up dad's ally so it was good to see him getting an interest in those. Today while I was there he was talking about how he was watching an interesting show about building a chair. You could tell he had that look of...that would be a fun project some day. It was a great, "that's my dad" conversation.

Some smaller details to pray about along with all the normal things: the doctors would know the right timing of removing the ports; he is getting 10 meds at the same time and upsetting his stomach with the nasea mentioend before...we had mentioned this to the dr but no changes prayer that these changes might be approved if it would still be safe for him to have that change; that God would show favor for dad to the nurses and staff; that we would be guided on rather to keep him there or change him (our concern now that we have a sliver of things getting better is that if we change him we would have to start all over with making ourselves known at a new place); mom's strength as she is running on empty and exhausted to the point of not always function to well; mom is going tuesday to help my grandmother (her mom) and take her to the dr as my grandmother isn't doing well prayer for that whole day and situation.

Thanks again for all the family support!!! We hope everyone had a Fantasic Christmas and has a Happy New Year!! God Bless!

Friday, December 26, 2008

Need Your Prayers for Possible Changes

I'm sorry this post won't be more informative. I didn't go up to the hospital today although I know my sister in law did, so I will ask her or my brother to post as they will have more information then I do.

I know during a time like this we continue to need prayers, although I feel that we REALLY need them now. Dad is not being treated well at all. It can literally be an hour or two before a nurse even comes into dad's room after he hits the nurse button. This is unacceptable to us. What if something serious was going on and he really needed help...2 hours later the nurse finally comes? I don't think so! Tonight it took mom calling the supervisor twice before dad could get any pain medicine, and that was an hour and a half after he initally hit the button that anyone came....and I am assuming he actually has gotten it, maybe he still hasn't. Mom is calling the supervisor every 15 minutes from home until he actually gets it and then will varify with dad that he has actually gotten it. We know that nurses have a lot to do and that it takes time, but to not even come in and see what the patient needs, is rediculous.

Mom and I are going tomorrow to look at another facility and we feel in our guts and hearts that dad is not safe anymore. Well let me rephrase that, she is going to call in the morning and try to get an apointment with someone to see the facilities. So we are praying that there will be someone there to have a meeting with. We know two people who are either right now staying in the facility or just got out a few days ago to go home, so we are going to call them also. Please pray that we will be able to talk to someone, that we will know God's direction, and be able to get this situated soon.

I don't know much about dad today accept that tonight he was needing pain medicine and that it had gotten so bad now that he has a massive headache and it hurts so much he feels drugged.

Please pray that things will get better and of course for dad's safety through all this. I am very scarred for him right now when no one is able to be up there with him at night and for his well being. Thank You!!!

Thursday, December 25, 2008

Merry Christmas

Well technically it's 12:22am and Christmas is over, but oh well. I just got back from the hospital...obviously tonight was a long one.

I got up there around 8:20 and things were all over the place. They had to kick dad out of ICU at 6pm because someone was coming in that was coding and they needed a room, dad was the most stable. He is now up in room 410. After being there for 2 hours and mom complaining several times to the nurses station about how no one had come to check on him yet after the transfer, she finally called a supervisor and he was able to get the ball going. His night nurse is WONDERFUL! Her name is Karen and has a very sweet personality just like one of mom's good friends that is also named they hit it off. Well when I got there and saw that he wasn't hooked up to a Monitor, I went nuts. I threw a fit and demanded that he be placed on one and I wasn't leaving until it was done. Karen (poor lady) had to call the supervisor again, which prompted him to come to our room and talk to us about what had happened. To back track some, there was nothing explained to us on why dad was moved, and there was a huge lack of communication between the staff there. The supervisor showed up around 10:45. He is a very very sweet man and honestly with his job I don't know how he stays so sweet. By this time I had a page of questions and concerns to ask him or gripe to him about. He was very receptive of everything, was upset at his staff for a few things and said that he would deal with it (hopefully he will), and within 30 minutes had dad hooked up to a temporary monitor (he is in the morning going to hook him up to a more high tech one). We all felt a lot better about things. Poor mom was exhausted and shaky....I was finally able to talk her into leaving right after we talked with the supervisor. Praise God that a family friend that my dad tonight said was like a brother to him, was there during the sudden transfer.

In the middle of me being all upset about things around 8:45 the Kidney doctor came in and he said that dad's functions were better today then yesterday! Praise God!!!!! They are going to continue to monitor them daily.

The kidney doctor and the supervisor both asked me seperately if I was a doctor or a nurse becuase of the questions I would ask them. I was glad that they felt like I was that informed just because maybe it will keep them on their toes knowing they have someone to make sure things are getting done. I know my brother asks all the quesitons also, just wait unitl they meet him and there are two of us. HAHA! We all got a good laugh about it though.

Dad is not sleeping well at night, please keep that in your prayers. He was asleep when I left around 11:45 so hopefully he was able to get some. Oh yeah, his heart when they did hook it back up to the monitor was back to an irrigular heartbeat...which he is on medicine for anyway....we just like to see if normal.

We think we have pinpointed what has been making him nausiated the last 3 days. I was able to sit with the nurse and look at the history to try to pinpoint. We think it's a medicine given through the feeding tube right to his stomach. We are going to track again tomorrow and see for one more day if this is it....then alter.

If you want to call up to the room it's the same main number but now it's 5410 for the extention. There are no set visiting hours although we are asking for the same basic hours of 9am-9pm. He is now in room 410. Mom is still up there from around 10:30-8:30...on "normal" days.

If you happen to be going up there around dinner time...the cafeteria is closed so unless mom orders an extra tray of wonderful hospital food for herself ahead of time (some time that morning, and I'm not sure she is there early enough to order) then could you please give her a buzz and see if she would like anything. You may be able to talk her into going back to Methodist cafe to eat just for something different and to let dad rest. I just know that now at Kindred she most nights isn't eating until she gets home around 9pm and then feels bad because she is eating so late. I asked today if we could put a mini frig in his room and they said yes...she is thinking about maybe taking the one from dad's office up there for the time being, which will solve alot of dinner issues. We will see if/when that happens.

Thank you again and again for all the help, support and prayers!!!!! We hope everyone had a Blessed Christmas!

Wednesday, December 24, 2008

Why do we never get Chirstmas Carolers anymore?

The title was something I just thought about on the way home from the hospital tonight. I figured it would be something different to put as the title then the norm.

Just to add to what my brother wrote earlier. I was able to see dad this evening. The nurse was a lot nicer and is starting to build a "relationship" with mom and dad. The respirator nurse is REALLY great and spent a good amount of time answering some questions dad had.

Dad felt extremely nausiated between 4-5:30, you could just see that "look" all over his face. Thankfully he was able to sip on some Diet Coke with thickner in it (that enough would want to make you nausious), and it helped. He said that it happened yesterday at this same time but today was worse. Mom is suppose to talk to the Doctor because dad thinks it is related to the pain medicine. They are administering it different the last couple of days then what he is use to. They are letting him eat his soft meals (didn't eat dinner with feeling sick) and then at night using the feeding tube still.

He also told me that in physical therapy he sat up for 15 minutes, and they just wanted him to do 10. He was so proud of himself. I told him that a couple of weeks ago he could only sit up for 5 seconds. He looked at me with a frown and said, "really, I don't even remember that".

At one point when mom was out of the room he started telling me about how he chest was still really sore. (It is covered in bruses). He said that he could tell that it was getting better but still really sore and hurt really bad when he coughed. I mentioned to him that with the CPR it is going to take awhile to heal, and praise God that he didn't have any fractures/broken bones. He then looked right at me and said, "did they have to shock me?" and put his hands up to try to explain more of what he was asking. Of course I answered "yes, several times actually". His eyes got wide and he said, "well no wonder I'm sore". I thought it was funny with his facial expressions and once again putting more and more of it all together. I'm sure it will be a conversation we have we have in the past.

Overall he was hanging in there. The nausia wore him out big time and I was kinda glad mom and I HAD to leave between 6-8 so that he could hopefully rest. Oh yeah they also took his temp while I was in there and it was normal.

Well sadly enough to answer my own question to the title I guess would be because in this world today you never know who is on the other side of the door and if you would still be alive after the first verse. (or visa versa really) Another aspect I believe is that more people get rapped up all in the gifts and selfishly recieving that maybe they don't stop and think about taking the time to bless someone else by a knock on the door and a song or two. For the person behind that door, it may be the only Christmas gift they get.

Dad can have visitors between 8am-6pm and then again between 8pm-10pm. There is parking below the building, just tell them you are there to see dad in ICU room 7. This goes for anyday...

Thank you again for everything!!!! I hope everyone has a blessed Chirstmas!

O Holy Night...

...Why not? It's Christmas Eve, right? Can't we be cheesy once in awhile?

Anyway, saw Dad this morning and he was having breakfast delivered. He hadn't slept too well, but he did eat well. I must say, coffee with the thickener in it was like sucking in 2-hour-cold gravy...and he didn't like the taste. But the juice seemed to taste good to him, and he ate a good amount of the food. Blood pressure, heart rate, etc. looked good. They also did two sessions of therapy with him today, one was Occupational Therapy ("Yes, I am a lawyer...No, I do not circle when blood is in the water"). Just kidding, it was upper body stuff. The other was physical therapy for his lower body, I believe.

Dad's Renal doctor came in shortly after I had left, and told him that they were not planning to do any more dialysis. They will continue to monitor his blood and urine lab results, in case they need another session. This is AWESOME.

I also try to "test" Dad's mental acuity as often as possible, even though he seems quite normal. Today I told him that Mark Felt died last week. It took him about 2 seconds, and he said, "Hmmm, that's interesting. He was certainly a stinker." My guess is 95% of Americans wouldn't have known who I was talking about, the way I posed it to little things like that show he is able to piece together very small, and personally insignificant information from many years ago. Who was Felt? Tell you later.

Please be praying for Dad's sleep, and that he will gain weight and strength. Mom needs LOTS of prayers, as this is starting to take a toll on her. She's been a trooper this first 5 weeks. But her mom is not doing too well either, so she is starting to worry about neglecting her. Praise be to God for giving us Dad for Christmas! It is the only thing any of us would have asked for!!!

Ok...Felt was "Deep Throat," the (traitorious) FBI deputy director who was feeding reporters Woodward and Bernstein information on the Watergate scandal.

Tuesday, December 23, 2008

Monday Night

I just got off the phone with mom and she said that things are going better with the nurses. The day nurse and her still had their moments of not cummunicating well (the nurse has a real real strong accent and is from Nigera, mom has a hard time hearing anyway, so the two factors don't mix well). Mom said that the night nurse was very nice to her. They also didn't have the correct menu/food for dad to be eating and finally for dinner they were able to get him the correct food. Dad had dialysis last on Friday of last week. Mom asked about this and the Kidney Dr (same one that was at methodist) said he hasn't needed it. They have been checking it everyday and will check again tomorrow. I can't help but take that as a good sign.

Mom said that now being over at Kindred is very hard on her because she has to be on top of things more then ever and it is a longer day with being able to be in the room with dad all day. It has exhausted her more then she expected. She is glad that she can be in there, although it is still wearing on her more. Mom also said that she thinks the move has been a good one for dad in the fact that he is sleeping better at night and is in a more peaceful environment.

Thanks again for the prayer and support! We hope everyone has a GREAT Christmas Eve tomorrow.

How to Contact Mom and Dad

I just got off the phone with mom and here is some more information:

Kindred Hospital
6441 Main Street
Houston, TX 77030
Phone: (713) 790-0500

When you call it will be an automated lady, you can enter 5202 I think at any time and it will ring in dad's room. If no one answers then most likely mom isn't in there, and dad doesn't have a voice yet to answer the phone.

Mom will 99% of the time be in there from 11am-6pm. She can go back in at 8pm after the shift change but she will be needing that time to talk to the nurse before she leaves. She will have to sit and wait in the waiting room from 6-8pm. She is trying to keep similar hours as she did at Methodist. We ask that no one call after 6pm, although if you want to come and see him once the 8pm visiting hours start up again, then people are welcomed to. Visiting hours start around 8-8:30am, mom just won't be there until closer to 10:30, talking to nurses when first arriving about the night, etc. I hope all that is clear enough.

She said that things are going better today with the nursing care....she was relieved about that. She still has to stay on top of things, but the lady is nicer today and in the room more. Mom did say that dad's chest is still hurting him a lot, like a soreness (which is to be expected). Dad did say that he slept much better with having his own room. The air is still not fixed in there and it is apparently still colder then it should be.

My brother visited him at 8am this morning, if he has more to add...then I'll let him, but as far as me, this is all I know. Mom has a few questions she is going to ask the nurse when she gets back from lunch about blood work, temp and those type of I don't have answers yet.

Thanks again for all the prayers!!!

P.S. We had a good apt with David's now pulmonologist. We liked him and feel that we have a good game plan for keeping him as healthy as possible. Thanks!

Monday, December 22, 2008

Monday Update

Well it has been a day of my brother and I neither able to post and dad was transfered so information was unknown for awhile.

This is the little bit I know from mom. Dad arrived at Kindred around 3pm this afternoon. He said the transition went pretty well. Dad is in his own room with a TV and mom is able to be in there for most of the day....which is a good thing because there is a big difference in the level of care. He is still in ICU, and from what mom can tell it's a ratio of 3 patients to 1 nurse, but you still have to page them to come and do things. Example around 8pm dad had mentioned that his bottom was starting to hurt him and the nurses hadn't been rotating him to prevent bed sores like Methodist did every 2 they had to call to get it done. Mom said they couldn't get the TV to turn off or even change channels, although turning off was the main problem with dad trying to sleep tonight. Also the temperature in his room was real cold and the maintance guy came and looked at it but it still wasn't working right. Mom had to leave the night knowing these things were not fixed yet, so we are praying and trusting God that He will work them out for dad. She was going to call the nurse when she arrived home to let her know that even though she wasn't physically there right now, she was there in mind and spirit checking on things. I'm glad that mom can be in there more because it seems that he will need it.

On a brighter note today was the first day that dad said he could tell he felt a little better...very little bit, but that is better then nothing. Mom also thinks that he might be feeling better because he is asking her to do more: please move this leg, move that leg, adjust the pillow, get this or that. Although the care will be less at Kindred, we are hoping the fact that he is now able to have some peace (of his own room) that it will add to the healing.

Dad has a phone in his room although he can't talk on the phone and so someone will mainly be able to answer it during the visiting times. We aren't sure yet about all the regulations with visitors in general, how many, when, etc. Mom is going to try to find out more about this tomorrow as she gets to know the personel more. When we get more information we will post it, along with a phone number to reach them. We are hoping to get the information for you guys by tomorrow afternoon.

I do not know anything about his white count, temp, diaysis, or more detailed information about how HE is doing. I have some questions for mom to ask the nurse tomorrow that will answer some of these things. Again hopefully tomorrow afternoon I can post more.

On a personal side note: We are taking my son to a pulmonologist tomorrow morning, I would appreciate added prayers for this apointment, guidence, some answers to what has been going on, etc.

I am sorry this post has come so late in the night and hopefully we can have more information for you all tomorrow afternoon. God Bless!

Sunday, December 21, 2008

Sunday night

Dad was talking about his nightmare on Saturday to Mom, but he had told me (his son) about it a few weeks ago. Said it was VERY vivid, and told Mom yesterday that he'll never forget it...which makes us believe he is still having it. Basically, the nightmare took place in the ICU and he said that the nurses/doctors had a patient across from him strapped to the bed. The patient was having his body parts "harvested" (that was the word Dad used) from him, apparently against his will.

When Dad told me this, I told him that it was quite scary to ME too, and could understand why it had disturbed him. I asked him if he believed they did that in this hospital, and he said, "No." I truly believe he was being honest in his answer. However, you can imagine that there is so much going on around him while he is trying to sleep, that his subconscious probably hears the noises, discussions, etc.

Please be praying that he has peaceful sleep. Hopefully it will be better as they moved Dad to another part of the ICU. Don't know if it was one of the private rooms, but he is no longer in the same "pod" of 6 beds he has been in the last 4 weeks.

Sunday Afternoon Update

Well not alot has changed with dad. The culture they took yesterday has already shown positive for an infection. His white count is still up and from what I was told through mom still has a low fever. He is on an antibiotic.

Today he had a look of just being exhausted of being sick. It was different then the "i'm tired and didn't sleep look". He would cough and just sign like, I'm so tired of this and frustrated.

Today he had sitting out from breakfast, Thickened OJ. I guess it's one way of getting OJ. They are talking about taking away his feeding tube if he continues to do well with the thicker "liquids".

Mom wants people to know also that Dad is having the same nightmare that he has been having over the last few weeks. I don't know the details of it but he told mom some of it and it's not just colors floating around but an actual nightmare. She asked if people could be praying that this nightmare be replaced with God's peace, His spirit, etc.

Please continue to pray for dad and now this added infection. Mom is exhausted more now then ever. She has made a few coments how she will break down and cry after getting home in the evening. (which we remind her is normal) I know this week has been a lot more lonely for her and I think with the longivity (sp?) of it all its catching up with her big time. Please keep her in your prayers also.

Again, we can't thank you enough how much we appreciate all your prayers and support....for the whole family, us and extended. I know we don't really mention the extended family much but Tim's (my husband is Tim also) parents and Julie's parents have been a hugh help with not only supporting us with visits and prayers but a huge support with the grandkids. We have also gotten to see several cousins on more of a regular bases, which has been great to reconect those relationships and have that support. All of the prayers are a support for them also.

God Bless you this Lord's Day and Merry Christmas!!

Saturday, December 20, 2008

Saturday, Day 27

As you can gets harder and harder to update the Blog. Yikes.

Dad was running a fever early today, and his White Cell count was up to 18, which meant he was fighting an infection. The doctors ran some tests, and they decided to replace his catheter. The fever reduced by mid afternoon, and we'll see what the tests find out (but it could take 72 hours). Unfortunately, this little setback may make the transition to Kindred longer, because Kindred wants his cell count down near normal for at least 72 hours prior to accepting him. Other than that, Dad's had a pretty decent day except for lack of sleep. Hopefully Mom will bring the CD player to him on Sunday (we've been reluctant to bring it, as we've thought we'd move hospital all week).

This evening at 8pm, they brought Dad a plate FULL of food. Of course, he won't be able to eat but a tiny portion. It was all "thick" stuff like mashed potatoes, pureed chicken, pudding, and even Iced Tea that was the thickness of honey. Supposedly he can swallow this stuff without leakage. We didn't stay for the feeding part, but you should have seen the gleam in his eyes! :-D It would be his first meal. My guess is he'll only get to drink the tea or juice, and eat the pudding. Can't imagine them letting him eat mashed potatoes and gravy.

Lastly, the nurse said that he has been 100% oxygenated for over a week on the 28% oxygen, so they've asked the Pulmonary doctor to give permission to start weaning him off of the tracheotomy (going smaller trachs for a few days each until they can remove it completely). This should help his swallowing, etc. too.

Friday, December 19, 2008


No, this isn't Charlie Brown typing. Mom just called at 8pm and said they are not going to move Dad until Monday to Kindred, because Kindred's ICU is full, and they don't have a spot for him. Yet, even if a spot becomes available over the weekend, they do not accept new ICU patients on the weekends. Therefore, Monday is the earliest he can be transferred.

At this point, he will remain in the ICU at Methodist through the weekend...unless they somehow change their minds and move him to a room or lesser ICU area (although they've never talked about doing that at all).

Please pray that Dad gets sleep, and that the nurses will not "neglect" him...but make sure he is eating some, swallowing, getting physical therapy, etc. while waiting his turn for Kindred.

Happy Anniversary

Today is Mom and Dad's 44th Anniversary. Not exactly how either would have imagined spending it, but we are very glad they ARE able to spend it together no matter the conditions.

At 8am, the nurse said Dad did not pass the swallow-evaluation for thin liquids such as water or broth, but he did for thicker liquids and solids such as yogurt and crackers. There is a small leak when he drinks thin liquids, and they don't want it to aspirate and cause infection in the lungs. But he DID eat his first food...a half a cup of yogurt. He would have eaten all of it, but the nurse didn't want to cause any indigestion or reflux. Dad started a dialysis sesssion this morning as well.

As of 5pm, they are saying he is moving over to Kindred's ICU tonight around 7pm. Of course, we thought it was going to happen around 1pm who knows. He will be in ICU for a few days for evaluation, then move to Intermediate Care there around Monday most likely. Nice thing about Kindred is that there are no "visitation hours," but rather any time. And free parking! Yea!

Mom has asked that there not be any visitors tonight at Kindred (including us Kids!!!), as Dad did not sleep last night and is very tired. She'd rather him get situated over at Kindred and get some rest. The ICU there is much quieter. We will post phone numbers for Kindred once we get in a more permanent spot.

Thursday, December 18, 2008

Thursday Evening

Elizabeth did NOT have to go to Texas Children's today for her son. The doctor's office tested him for several diseases, which came up negative. They put him on a breathing aparatus that helped him cough up some of the mucous, and made him breathe much better...and apparently wrote a prescription for that machine for home use. But keep the little guy in your prayers, PLEASE!

As for Dad, he failed the swallow-evaluation again. Apparently there is some small amount of leakage that they believe will heal itself over time. If the cardiologist approves it, they may start him on thicker liquids on Friday, as the thick stuff is less likely to leak through than things like water and broths. We really need Dad to get to eating and swallowing, as he needs to gain weight.

Also, Mom said tonight that they are planning on moving Dad to Kindred hospital sometime Friday morning...probably late morning. Most likely he'll be in Kindred's ICU, but it is a lower-level ICU that the cardiovascular ICU unit at Methodist. We are praying that the timing is right, and that he gets the care he needs there. If anything, it should be a less busy / more peaceful environment for recovery and sleep.

Thursday...Day 25 in ICU

Sorry for the lack of updates, but both of us Telge kids have been sick too. Please be praying for Elizabeth's son, as he is VERY sick, and may have to be taken to Texas Children's to Dad's hospital! Will update when I hear more...

I saw Dad at 8am today, and talked to almost every doctor. Dad was doing good, and his heartbeat was back in regular sinus rhythm...but due to medication (at half dose). Was going to have a barium swallow evaluation done with Xrays, and also a CT scan of his head. Every doctor said that they'd sign-off on him being released from ICU, but the cardiologist said that he wanted him to stay in Methodist another day or two to be observed, prior to going over to Kindred hospital. They ran a "QV Test" this morning, which came back "Highly Probable for a PE"...which means it is likely that the cause of this entire situation was a blood clot to Dad's lungs. Few people ever live through that, so Praise God!

Dad's kidneys are working, but still not good enough, and the doctors are a bit surprised they haven't seen much improvement. However, the doctor did say he's seen cases where it took a VERY long time for them to heal, and the fact that he is making urine is still a good sign. They are going to be putting Dad on Cumadin (sp?) blood thinner at some point, probably for at least 6 months. They are running tests to see if his body is pre-disposed to forming blood clots, and if so, he may be on blood thinners the rest of his life. Also, they hope that in the next few days they will start to reduce the size of his trachetomy device.

PRAYERS: For Elizabeth's son, and the entire family's health. For Dad's heartbeat and rhythm to stay normal. That his kidneys will heal and get back to normal function. That he would pass the swallow tests and start to be able to eat food again to regain strength and weight.

Wednesday, December 17, 2008


This will be a short blog as my son is sick and now awake....

Mom said that at times dad seemed to be a little better...not sure all the details.

They did a CT Scan of his chest today, don't know results yet. They were doing an ultrasound of his heart tonight when she was in there at 8pm. The "swallowing team" are talking about doing a Barium (sp?) test either Thurs or Fri. Mom feels that the swallowing is the least of her concerns as he is getting what he needs with the feeding tube and the organs have priority, although knowing that getting to the point of being able to eat is also a good sign overall. Had dialysis today.

My brother was home sick today and I have a very sick son, so that puts us out of pocket for awhile, and away from mom. We will do our best with the blogs with not being up there as much.
I'm sorry this is not more detailed. Thanks again for everything!!

Tuesday, December 16, 2008

Tuesday Afternoon Update

I was finally about to get up to the hospital this morning. (My son is sick also so my time of freely being up at the hospital is not so free anymore). I talked to the nurse (same day nurse as yesterday) and was able to get some answers.
  • Fever, thankfully this morning he didn't have one, although last night they did end up getting him something for it.
  • Infectious doctor did take cultures from blood, urine and stools so that made us feel better.
  • Heartrate went up to 140 again, and had to be given some meds for that, the heart Dr said that he wasn't going to sign off on dad going to the Rehab ICU until it stayed under 100 for 24 hours.
  • Dad has had a horrible cough and this is constant, not every now and then I mean breathing is like coughing to him. They were giving him some Robitesen (sp?) for it although it is not at all getting better. The nurse said that he put in a call to one of his doctors to look into giving him something else because it is not getting any better and at times only getting worse.
  • They are taking chest x-rays still every morning and those are looking good.
  • They are going to try to get him on a Mon, Wed and Fri schedule with Dialysis and see how he does with that.
  • They were able to start him back on blood thinners last night. They are closely monitoring this and running tests to keep doses appropriate with everything he has going on.

Dad overall today did not look good at all. Back to being stoic, and when I asked him how he was doing he just looked straight ahead and said "I'm having a rough go at it". Usually he will just say "okay" only later to find out that he is in pain, etc...this time he actually admitted it. His main complaint was his chest and how much it hurt and how much the coughing just made it worse.

Please continue to pray that we can get to the bottom of this. Mom made the comment to me today "It was easier for me to handle this when I was in shock then now for some reason". She went on to talk more about how this is still shocking to her, but different then the initial happenings of it all. This week is the start of her being up there alone more then not alone as my brother nor I can be up there as much this week. From what we have seen (the last 5 evenings or so) the 6pm and 8pm visits are when dad seems to be the worse which is harder on mom emotionally to have to see...not to mention not being able to see him all afternoon between 2-6.

We are all physically and emotionally drained and as a family we ask for prayers for the strength to continue on strong through this process and for us to be at peace of mind when we need to take a break and relax and step away for a minute.

God Bless!!

Monday, December 15, 2008

December 15th Update

I'm sorry this update it coming so late, you can always tell when neither my brother or I are up at the hospital because the updates aren't very updated.

I just got off the phone with mom and she is very concerned that Dad is still not feeling well. This meaning that he is still having the same problems of being sick as he did the 3 weeks before he ever went into the hospital (on top of recovering from everything else). Same symptoms, and now also the fever is back. Mom is also very upset because now that he is better from where we were on Nov 24th, the nurses aren't paying him as much attention and are having an "awh he is fine" attitude instead of actually doing something for the fever, pain, etc.

Overall this is where things stand as of the 6pm and 8pm visits with mom: Dad is having to ask for pain shots on a regular bases, fever at 6 was 100.3 and was told by nurse that if it got any higher then they would do something for it, then it got up to 100.6 and the 8pm nurse (different nurse, change shift at 7pm) said that she wasn't going to do anything about it (ohh mom was not happy and let them know it, although still don't know if it made a difference), very lathargic (sp?) and was pretty much non responsive to her being around during visit times. Again she feels that he is being neglective now compared to the care that we have seen him get before. Oh yeah something was also disconnected from his trake that needed to stay connected, and the nurse that was watching him so carefully, didn't even notice, mom had to tell her.

She said that the nurses talk about how he is doing good and he needs to be moved out, but then there are still some issues with maintaining heartrate, blood pressure, fever, how much pain he is still in, how he still feels horrible like he did a month ago, etc. Mom said that it seems now her only hope is that if they do decide to move him to the ICU at the rehab hospital that they can figure out what else is wrong with him, where she doesn't feel that they are trying to figure it out anymore at Methodist.

Mom again was concerned that as much as we talk about on the blog at how well he is doing and how much better he is doing, that he still has alot of things wrong and is still in a critical state and has a long ways to go. She talked to the Intensivist doctor yesterday and his estimate was 3 months at the soonest before Dad would be able to go home.

On a lighter note, I talked to my brother and he said that dad was able to move his toes a little bit this morning when he was there at 8am. First for that. They have not told us when Dad will be transfered, although when the time comes he will be going Kindred Hospital, there across the street from Methodist...and remain in ICU there.

Please continue to keep all of these things along with information from previous posts in your prayers. Thank you so much! God Bless!

Sunday, December 14, 2008

Sunday...Day 21 !!!

Sorry for the late update.

Dad seems a bit tired today. He has not fully passed a swallow evaluation, which means they'll only give him water. We really need him to be able to drink other liquids such as broth, and eat Jell-O, etc. The sooner he eats real food, the stronger he'll be and the less body mass he will be losing. Didn't have a lot to lose at it was, as he was quite fit.

This morning he said he slept well. But we can tell he's ready to get out of ICU and go to a regular room. We really want him to start getting more physical therapy. Just don't know when he will be released. The doctors all have different stories. Hematologist said they still need to evaluate everything before putting him back on blood thinners.

We have had some very odd coincidences over the last 21 days. Yesterday or day before, a friend from a church we used to attend is now in ICU, and he and Dad's heads are divided only by the wall...they are about 8 feet from each other. Dad's praying for him too.

Please pray that Dad will be able to pass the swallow evaluations, will remember to do his leg exercises, and continue to pray for his heart rhythm, blood pressure, kidneys, and blood clots. He is still in "rough shape" all things considered independently, but in "excellent shape" compared to where he's come from (Praise be to God!!!).

Saturday, December 13, 2008

December 13th, Day 19 Afternoon Update

Things continue to go well with dad today...Praise God!!! They did a chest x-ray this morning and things continue to look well with his lungs. They also did another swallowing test to see if he could handle things like pudding, he did fail this test because it was going into his lungs instead of his stomach. This will heal over time and they will continue to test from day to day. He did have to have dialysis today, infact just starting that now.

We think we have found the rehab facility that he is going to go to, all 3 of us feel good about it. When that is set for sure, we will post the information.

I know this has been a long, hard journey and we are all tired but we are still very much welcoming visitors and it is still a GREAT support to all of us and especially mom.

Thanks for all the continued prayers!!! God Bless!!!!!

Friday, December 12, 2008

December 12th Update

I'm sorry it is now 10:45pm and I am just now updating the status on dad. So here we go...
  • They didn't have to do dialysis. The Kidney Dr was actually there at the evening visitation and he said that they are monitoring him to see if they can get him on the usual 3 days a week dialysis instead of everyday with a few days missed here and there. So far dad is doing well with this. No changes yet with the kidneys really, although they are still hopefully that in the future they will go back to full function.
  • This afternoon they took out his chest tube (for the partial collapsed lung). They took an x-ray and things seemed to be looking good. They will do another x-ray in the morning.
  • He is still coughing a lot, which they say is normal although it really really hurts him when he does. Please pray for the release of the overall pain that his body is in from everything he has been through.
  • He seemed to look a little better today. We didn't specifically ask him how he slept while we were gone last night (he doesn't have a concept of time, am, pm, date, etc), although we are hoping that because he looked better he slept a little better. I know they gave him a bath right before we came in for the 8pm visit so hopefully that is one less thing they need to bother him with tonight.
  • He was able to have the voice shield in again during our visits and he was playing with it some with projecting his voice a little louder (we all know how soft spoken he is in general) and tones. The voice shield has taken away a lot of the frustration.

I'm sure there is more, but I am exhausted and my brain can't think of anything else. Mom and I will be Rehab Facility shopping tomorrow morning so please pray that we pick the right place...we are choosing between 2. We will be doing that all morning, then lunch then up to the waiting room. My guess is that we will be up in the waiting room around 1pm and she is planning on staying there until immediately after the 8pm visit.

Calling the Waiting Room: Just as a reminder, it is best to only make calls to the 713-441-3311 number between 11:30am and 7:30pm (every day). Mom usually arrives at the hospital just before 11am visit, and leaves immediately after the 8pm visit. We have tried VERY hard to make sure we are leaving promptly as it is hard to get any rest or sleep otherwise. We have appreciated everyone's assistance at letting us leave on time.

Thank you again for all the prayers! Dad at 8pm was talking again about how much they have helped and how much he appreciates knowing that the family is being taken care of by family and SO many friends.

Thursday, December 11, 2008

December 11th, PM Update

We last saw dad at the 8pm visit and he had the little voice box shield over his trake so that he was able to was soooooo awesome!!! We haven't heard him talk in what seems like forever! He is a soft talker anyway and with the trake it was really soft but man it was so much better then trying to read lips.

Some information we found out:
  • At the 6pm visit they completely removed the Ventilator machine from bedside. He hasn't been on it the last couple of days, just on the oxygen and they felt secure enough to not have it on standby anymore.
  • As far as being on any meds through an I V he isn't on any. Although he is still on medicine that is given to him on a schedule, those are for: Blood Pressure, Heart Rate, Preventatives for-stomach ulcers and constipation, also on Insulin (she said everyone in there is on that). He has other meds on stand by, as needed such as something for pain, to sleep, etc
  • I asked about what the plan was for the elevated white blood cell count, she said that right now they are just monitoring it closely because although it is high it is not dangerously high and they feel that his body is doing a good job fighting it himself. They don't want to put him on an antibiotic as long as his body is doing this so that he doesn't build up a resistance to the antibiotic incase they really need it for something later on.
  • I asked about him sitting up during physical therapy, the nurse said that they moved him to a sitting position and were able to let go for just a few seconds then had to hold on to him again. The dialysis was there and that trumps physical therapy so they weren't able to do anything else with him.

My mom keeps discribing dad as being very stoic, which seems to be a very appropriate discription. I think personally now that he is awake more it is all coming to a head everything that has happened and whats also going on now. Example he asked us tonight why his legs are paralyzed...he can move them a very little bit, although not like his arms, so we tried to talk to him about that some and physical therapy, he also said that he is overall very week and he doesnt like that feeling, also mentioned that his chest feels like it has been through a violent brawl. Again asked what happen and why he feels so bad....we choose our words carefully on what we tell him and not tell him at this point. On top of it all, just being in ICU all day and night and not sleeping due to what he now discribes as halusinsions (sp)...we have been told that this is most likely from the medicines that he is on. We talked with him some about this also. I can only imagine what all his mind and body are going through day after day. I did notice a very small difference of a sparkle of himself again with the 8pm visit with the voice shield as apposed to not having it in at 6pm.

Tonight we showed him how people have came up to show their support and that we have people all over the world praying for him, calling, emailing, etc and his response was "Wow, that's alot of thank you notes to write later on." We got a good laugh out of that.

He has told us several times that he has felt the prayers as he lays there and knows that God is taking care of him and that it is through Him that he is still alive. So thank you a million times over from all of us and now from my dad also, for all the prayers and support, it has made more of a difference then we could ever express!

Mom will not be there between the 2-6 visits as she is getting a haircut and so excited about it. ;-)

God Bless!!!

Thursday December 11th, noon update

I just got a call from my brother on where things stand with dad this morning:
  • Dad told them that he has not been able to sleep the last couple of nights and that he is having Nightmares. Please add to your list of prayers that the nightmares would be no longer and that he would be able to sleep as peaceful as a person can in ICU. My brother said that he looked completely exhausted.
  • Dad is still having some irregularity with his heart, they had to give him some medicine around 11 because it was racing. Continued prayers that his heart will regulate itself and stay steady.
  • He was on dialysis today.
  • He also had physical therapy today and we were told that he was sitting on the side of the bed with his legs off the side, all by himself. From what they understand he didn't have any supports behind him...this was not 100% clear though.
  • He passed the swalling test and is able to drink water from a straw.
  • White blood cell is still higher then normal and in the last couple of days has actually gotten higher. Prayers that if there is an infection it will be found and that the doctors will know why this is higher and getting higher.
  • Nurse said that he could be in ICU another week.
  • Although he could still have another week mom has been told to start picking out a long term facility that we would want him in, and gave her a list of some. They also mentioned that the long term facilities have ICU in them and that once he is moved from the ICU he is in now, he will be in their ICU for a couple of days for monitoring. Prayers that God will direct us to the exact one He wants dad to be in.

I believe that covers everything. Thank you from the depths of all our hearts for all the prayer and support!

Wednesday, December 10, 2008


THIS MAY BE THE ONLY POST TODAY (we are amazed at how phone calls pour in when we don't update at "the usual times"...thanks for all your care, concern, and faithfulness)
Saw Dad at the 6am visit, and he was wide awake. Looked great, as they had shaved him. He was happily sucking on the small sponge-straw they've given him, even though he hasn't had a swallow-evaluation done (should do it today). He will be SOOOO happy when they give him orange juice...never seen him so obsessed with something. LOL. Was in good spirits, and said his shoulder wasn't hurting, even though he was still shivering occasionally. He asked about family members, and what the date was. Couldn't believe it was 12/10, as he doesn't really remember anything over the last 3 weeks. He said he wasn't bored, as there is a lot of movement and activity in the ICU around him...he is one of six beds in his "pod" and is located next to the main walkway in the ICU, so sees a lot of doctors and nurses walking by. Asked about some of the other patients, but I didn't know anything. He recognized his Mechanics doctor, and playfully told me to harrass him as he knows the doctor has a good sense of humor.

If anything significant happens, we'll post a short update.

Tuesday, December 9, 2008

Tuesday PM Update

Dad continues to have a good day, Praise God!! He has been only on the CPAP all day, starting at 6am and is doing well with this. When we talked to the nurse at 8:30pm he also wasn't on any medicines. They ended up feeling like they should wait until tomorrow to do the swallowing test, so that is the plan so far.

He is having horrible pain in his left shoulder blade area, has been been complaining about it for a day and a half now. The night nurse told me that she would have them do an xray and see if something was wrong, well that didn't happen. So when I got there this afternoon I made it very clear to his day nurse that the xray was going to happen and we were going to have the results before we left today. Xray was done and results showed that there was nothing fractured. They are thinking that it is a pulled muscle. He wrote on a note pad that when he coughed it was like a sword pushing through the muscle. He was able to get a heating pad put on it and they are giving him some pain medicine...hopefully this will help overnight. They were also going to give him something to help him sleep (I know the other night they gave him Benedryl...not sure what will be given tonight).

My brother did the previous post and I very much agree with what he wrote about mom, please keep her in your prayers. Any healthy visitors are also welcomed throughout the day, that is the best motivation, comfort and support for her that she can physically grab onto (of course we appreciate all the prayers also).

Well another blessed day with alot of answered prayers we thank you so much for all the support!

Tuesday Morning...Day 16 in ICU

Dad's lungs looked clear on the XRay, and the chest tube is doing it's job. They plan on keeping it in for 2-3 more days, as they don't want to remove it if it's needed again (painful to re-insert). They had removed the clamp on his leg as his bleeding had stopped. Needed a blood transfusion today as his red cell count was getting a little low. Also had dialysis. Plan on putting him back on the neck collar for O2. We are hoping they will do a swallow evaluation so that he can start being fed ice chips.

Mom needs prayers, as yesterday was very emotional for her...and she is also under the stress of taking care of her mother in the nursing home. All of life's routines such as grocery shopping, bills, house chores, etc. are stressing her as Dad isn't around to do those things he used to do. While family is there to help her, it is still discouraging and stressful since everything to her seems to be uncertain. She has done VERY well so far, but it's wearing her down. Pray that her health holds up as well (she has had a cold, and it's lingering).

Monday, December 8, 2008

Monday PM Update

I last talked to the nurse at 9pm today, here is the current status:
  • Dad had more of his lung colapse so they had to insert the chest tube. They tried a smaller one and it didn't do the job so they had to use a larger one. Also said that he will be in some pain from the tube. We do not know how much of the lung is now colapsed, the nurse was waiting on the actual report to add to her file, then she will be able to tell us.
  • Blood pressure was staying lower then what they want, so he is on a low drip for that.
  • From when he was on the Bypass machine in the beginning he still has a hole in his groin on his left side, well as a result of everything with the chest tube that popped out spraying blood everywhere, so now he has a clamp on it for the next 4 hours and new packing. Nurse said that it has stopped bleeding.
  • Obviously still on 50% going to leave that alone with everything going on with his lung.
  • From the time that dad woke up from the surgery until even tonight he has been complaining of his left shoulder/neck area hurting him, she mentioned that he was complaining of pain there, I informed her of that being the same earlier in the day and one reason why he was given pain medicine at 2pm, so she was going to have the doctor on duty tonight take a look at things. This is also one area that his port was placed.
  • They have him on a light sedation right now with everything that is going on and the pain that he could be experiencing, together with some pain meds.
  • He wants so bad to open his eyes and look at you and talk, but afterawhile his eyes roll back and he closes his them. We tried all day to just tell him to rest, but anyone who knows dad knows that he is going to try to be awake and with you.

This has been hard on all of us, we know that we will have bad days along with good days, but that doesn't make the bad days any easier. Mom has especially had it rough with this being the first day she hasn't been up at the hospital in 15 days, and the one day she leaves all this happens. The state that he has been in all day just brings back all the memories of where we were a week or so ago and mom was very very emotional all day and espeically at the 8pm visit. Mom is also having to handle alot of things with MeeMaw right now with being the POA, hence why she was gone today. So please overall continue to keep her in your prayers more then ever.

Along with all your prayers for dad please add the situation with his lungs. The doctors have been saying for awhile now that his lungs and kidneys are the weekest of all his organs. Thank you so very much!

As of now we will not have extra visitors visiting dad, as we feel that less is more right now during visitation times. Although, if you are a priest/pastor of the family please call mom ahead of time to see if she feels it would be okay to quickly pray for him...or come and pray with her. I know that dad really really likes having the prayers personally done at bedside. Also adding, if you want to visit tomorrow for moms sake during all the down hours, please come, I know that she will enjoy the company and it will br comforting to her.

God Bless!!!

3:30pm Update and Added Prayer Request

Things overall are going well with dad, at the same time a slight step back. After the plugs were put in they found that a portion of his right lung colapased...they said that his is common after the insert of the plugs and something they regularly watch for. This is just a portion of the lung. They are going to monitor it over the next 24 hours to see if it will fix itself. If not then they will insert a tube for a couple of days, assist the lung, and then see if they can take it out. Please add this to your prayers.

I saw him at 2pm and he was still very sleepy from the anathesia, was able to mouth to us that his eyes burned and needed them wiped off, that his mouth was dry, and that he was in pain where the ports were put in near his shoulder...we were able to tell the nurse and take care of the problems. Other then that he could hardly keep his eyes open. They just got the dialysis started around 1:30 and are not going to do physical therapy or do anything with the ventilator until tomorrow. They felt that he needed his rest more then anything, which we agree also.

3:30pm Update and Added Prayer Request

Things overall are going well with dad, at the same time a slight step back. After the plugs were put in they found that a portion of his right lung colapased...they said that his is common after the insert of the plugs and something they regularly watch for. This is just a portion of the lung. They are going to monitor it over the next 24 hours to see if it will fix itself. If not then they will insert a tube for a couple of days, assist the lung, and then see if they can take it out. Please add this to your prayers.

I saw him at 2pm and he was still very sleepy from the anathesia, was able to mouth to us that his eyes burned and needed them wiped off, that his mouth was dry, and that he was in pain where the ports were put in near his shoulder...we were able to tell the nurse and take care of the problems. Other then that he could hardly keep his eyes open. They just got the dialysis started around 1:30 and are not going to do physical therapy or do anything with the ventilator until tomorrow. They felt that he needed his rest more then anything, which we agree also.

Monday Morning, Dec 8th 11:30

Well I just went in to see dad. He was still under Anathesia (sp?) from putting ports in for his IV's, and Dialysis. That procedure went well and they are going to bring him out of anathesia soon. Nurse said that he had gone 27 hours with just the oxygen and not the ventelitor, although now after having to put the ports in they had to back track some. They are going to start the process again of getting him back off the ventilator...said it could a day, give or take a little. He is still on meds for irregular heartbeat, although heart still strong. They also haven't been able to start him back on the blood thinners. Physical Therapy tried to come twice this morning already, but he was either in surgery or still under anathesia. They were going to start him on the dialysis now, so she said there is a good chance he may not get the physical therapy today.

Today is going to be a busy day today which usually means he will be exhausted so we are going to take it easy with visitation times and try to get him to relax more then anything.

God Bless and thanks again for all the prayers and support!

Sunday, December 7, 2008

Reminders for Monday

Mom will be out of the hospital until the 6pm visit, then she will be out again from 6:30-7:30 with a scheduled dinner, she will be there for the 8pm visit then going home.

I (Elizabeth) will be up there maning the post.

Sunday...Day 14

14th Day in ICU. Dad is on Oxygen-only, at 35% (doctors and nurses keep telling us ambient is 30%, even though text books say 21%...either way, this is awesome because it's almost an "Off" setting). He is a bit stronger and coordinated today, was even writing on a notepad! He is OBSESSED with getting some Orange Juice, even though they won't even let him have ice chips. LOL. I guess it's something he's craving. Is in good spirits. Hopefully they will do a swallow test on Monday morning, so that they can start giving him ice chips and maybe water. Hoping to wean him off of the O2 within two days or so as well. We're in another "plateau" of recovery, I suppose...but hopefully every day he is getting stronger. Will start physical therapy Monday too. He's working on flexing his leg muscles and attempting to move his feet and toes. Still isn't on blood thinners yet...don't know when they're going to resume, and don't understand the hold-up. Just trusting God will take care of him.

Saturday, December 6, 2008

Sunday between 2-6

Mom will for sure not be up at the hospital tomorrow (Sunday) between the 2 and 6 pm visits.

Saturday morning - Day 13 in ICU

PLEASE NOTE: Plans at present are that Mom MIGHT NOT be at the hospital Sunday afternoon between 2pm and 6pm. Also, she WILL DEFINITELY NOT be there Monday until 6pm (but Elizabeth will be there all day).

Sorry it's taken so long to update. Not a lot of changes today. Dad is talking up a storm. They were testing him on just Oxygen through the trach, and bumped it up a bit to 50%. He said the air-hose has popped off his trach 4 times (it was accidentally off when he told me this), so nurse put back on. Kind of scary, but good he can do without it. He is supposed to get some mild physical therapy today. They also need to test his swallowing so they can start feeding him ice chips, water, etc. Were going to put him back on thicker feeding formula and also blood thinners today.

Keep praying for Dad's blood clots, and physical therapy recovery. Also, we are all getting colds, sore throats, etc., so pray for his immune system and our quick recovery as well. We are wearing masks when seeing him, and sometimes even staying out of the ICU for his safety.

Friday, December 5, 2008

Friday December the 5th, PM update

Just an update from what was mention this morning:
  • Still only on CPAP.
  • Felt like they needed to wait another day before putting him back on blood thinners.
  • Physical Therapy wasn't able to work with him today because he was on the Dialysis at the time they came, so we reminded the night nurse to first thing tomorrow schedule it at different times and we will revisit it again in the morning.
  • Still on a medicine to help with his heartbeat.

He recognized friends that came up that he has known along time and was very happy to see them. Mom and I are concerned about short term memory, so please add this to your prayers. We had alot of the same conversations today with him asking what about work, court, clients, home and what has happened to him. We are hoping that he is just thinking about them alot as he is awake more, although there is a growing concern.

He did ask for his watch today, but he isn't allowed to have something on his wrist/arms. He seems to be liking his nurse and the night nurse tonight was ahead on the game with keeping him comfortable. My father in law Dan mentioned Menudo (sp?) tonight (a group of them use to eat it often) and he got wide eyed and mouthed "oooohhhhh" expressing that it sounded soooooo good. Then mouthed "I want some". This is the first time that he has really been interested in food, usually he responds with a take it or leave it expression.

Mom wanted me to remind people that he is still in critical condition, obviously with still being in ICU, and he still has damaged organs, on the dialysis and weak. Please pray for mom-at the end of the day she is having to take Advil for the last few nights as her body just aches from the chairs, stress, etc. In addition thanks for keeping up the prayers for dad and the family in general.

God Bless You!!!

Fabulous Friday

It is amazing to see Dad so animated when we come in. His mental and cognitive abilities seem to be perfectly normal. Obviously we are having problems reading his lips, but he laughs at very obscure references to things that happened in the past, or jokes about hospital food, etc. It's hard to remember that he is in ICU...even the nurse today said she didn't recognize him from last week, and had to ask if he was the same patient as she remembered.

Good news...the ventilator setting is on CPAP, which is only positive pressure and not forced breathing. This means Dad is doing ALL the breathing on his own! PRAISE GOD! They are saying they may remove him from the ventilator all together in about 2 days, and simply plug low oxygen into his tracheostomy. His white cell count continues to lower, and his kidneys are still doing about the same. He is going on dialysis as we speak, for his once-a-day treatment...hoping and praying his kidneys heal over the long-haul. He may also start physical therapy today. They plan on restarting blood thinners today as well.

Continue to pray for his safety, recovery, and protection from the blod clots. Also for his muscular restoration, as he is a bit frustrated his arms and legs don't work too well.

Thursday, December 4, 2008

Thursday Evening Cont

I forgot to mention that they did have him tonight on a medicine for his heartbeat because it was going back and forth between irregular and regular.

White blood cell count is going down. It use to be at 23.4 now it is 17, they want it between 7-9.

I have gotten tons of questions about where the filter is in his body. This is what we were told. There is a vien in each leg that comes up the leg and join together in the lower stomach area, right above the joining into 1, they put the filter so that nothing gets up higher to the lungs. If the filter gets blocked (it's permanent) then his thighs will start to swell and they have a procedure to fix that problem.

I know there was something else I forgot...but can't remember it's to late and my brain has shut down.

God Bless

Thursday Evening

Around 3:30 this afternoon they put the filter in for dad. He has done well with this addition. The Doctor was really glad that they put it in when they did because they looked at his legs again after the filter was in and they found alot more clots and bigger clots. They felt that we got it in just in time. He hasn't been on the blood thinner today with everything that was being done and it was making the area around the trach blood more then what they wanted. They are hoping now that the filter is in place and his trach has had all day today to heal more that they can put him back on the blood thinner medicine tomorrow. They want to get him back on as soon as possible because of the additional clotting.

We are seeing more and more of his personality come out. I was able to spend alot of time with him at the 8pm visit and he laughed some and he shed some tears also out of the cornor of his eye. He seemed to recongize the few people he saw that were friends.

Please keep up the prayers, as we know you all are because we feel them and are seeing them answered daily. We are also praying that God would clear up his legs along with all the other previous prayers. Thank you so much!

Thurs Morning

Saw Dad at 6am, and he was wide awake. Told me he was scared, so explained he had scared us but was doing better. Read a book to him that his granddaughter wrote for him. He asked for his glasses, so brought to 11am visit. At 11am he was starting dialysis. We had to explain to him again why he was in, and why they were working on him. He actually started laughing when we told him his childhood friend Tommy called, and that he reminded Dad about "the skunk story." He also laughed about his sister bathing the dog, and that Higgs didn't like it. He was on zero medications during the visit.

Doctors said that they are going to put in an "umbrella" filter today, in order to catch any potential blood clots in his legs (he apparently has a big one in one leg). They've had to take him off the Heparin blood thinner because his tracheostomy has been bleeding a lot (not uncommon, but wanted to give it time to stop). So please be praying for that procedure, and praying AGAINST the blood clots in his leg(s).

Neurologist said he is not where they WANT to see him, but was very happy about his laughing, long-term memory, and ability to comprehend jokes, etc. Will not be able to do a proper MRI / CT without the dye, and the dye could negatively affect his kidneys--so they are putting that off for now.

As we've said many times before, he is LIGHT YEARS ahead of where he was 11 days ago...but it's a deep forest, and he is still in the trees. We do believe God will continue to heal him, but continually covet all prayers.

Wednesday, December 3, 2008

Wednesday Night

1. Please avoid calling Mom at home. When she's there, she is trying to sleep, or getting ready to go to the hospital. If you must, please do not call before 9am, as she's trying to get as much sleep as possible. Best place to reach her is the hospital, at 713-441-3311, ask for "TELGE."
2. Mom will not be at the hospital Thursday afternoon between 2pm-4:15pm.
3. Dad is at the Methodist hospital in the Med Center on Fannin (been some confusion).
4. Blood donations have received lots of questions...doesn't matter what blood type, as he won't actually get YOUR blood. He'll get "credit" for the blood given in his name. Free valet parking. Call 713-441-3415 for any questions.

Dad was only on ONE medication tonight, besides the ventilator, intermittant dialysis, etc. Dad has been WIDE awake during visits. Does not want us to leave. Seems VERY cognizant about what we're talking about. When we said, "That pneumonia really was hard on your body, that's why you're here," he gave a very animated look that said "Don't mess with me, this wasn't pneumonia." He's really trying to talk, but it's hard to interpret. We did figure out two items...he looked at Mark and said, "You look funny." He had cut his hair with clippers on a VERY low setting, so looked somewhat bald. He then told Mark that he was funny. LOL. Good to see he had humor. He also asked Mom to sing to him, as she has been doing while he's sedated. When she started singing, his heart rate went from 145 (high and irregular), to 93 in about 30 seconds. It really calmed him. Still having a hard time moving his feet, but he's moving his legs. We tried to have him write something, but he does not have the strength to do that just yet, even though his hands are like vise-grips when we are trying to leave.

Doctors did tell us today that Dad has blood clots in both legs. They think it very well could have been what caused this whole ordeal. May even still have the blood clot in his lungs (if that's what caused it). They don't want to do anything just yet, as they want him to continue to recover. That's the medication he's on currently...a blood thinner.

PRAYERS: Continue to pray for his life, and protection from the other blood clots. Pray for his morale to be good, and that he'd not be anxious, fearful, or depressed. Pray for strength and restoration of full control to his body and limbs.

Wednesday 11am visit

This morning dad was awake! From what I have been told dad had his eyes open and as soon as mom walked in he grabbed her hands and didn't let go. He apparently was trying to mouth some things but they (mom's friend Suzanne was in with her) couldn't make out what it was, that I'm sure figuring it out will come with time.

Stats stayed stable, movements of his hands good, made some eye contact off and on. When asked to try really hard to move his feet, apparently there was just an ever so small twitch of one foot that if you weren't looking at his foot at the time and knowing what to look for,you would have missed it. Doctors are a little concerned about that, but Mark and I are not at this point. (I haven't gotten moms perspective on it yet).

He is shaking and nodding his head to answer questions although it will be awhile before we know if answers are accurate or not, which now we are just excited that he knows to follow a question with an answer. Example with nodding yes or shaking no: when asked are you cold...yes, do you want a are you in pain..yes, do you want some mom would say I love, when it was time to leave she told him that she was going to be right outside the door waiting until next

Thanks for the continuation of prayers and support!

Tuesday, December 2, 2008

December 2, 10pm

Well today has been another successful one. A hard day on dad with the trach surgery and four hours of Dialysis but he has been able to keep himself stable with his stats. Not much to report on really except that all seems to be holding well. They are going to try to wake him up tomorrow just a little bit and see how he does.

Moms Plan: She will be up there tomorrow around 10:30am and there until the 10pm visitation. She will be departing promptly at 10:30pm to head home and get rest. If anything changes with this, we will post it as a new blog later tomorrow, as of tonight though, this is the plan.

Prayer Request: That his body will rest and recover quickly from the trach and that the trach will continue to be successful and not cause any problems. That the nurses will be guided appropriately tomorrow on when and how much to have dad awake and give him the rest that he needs also. Dad will adjust well to the trach and accept the changes with ease and not have any anxiety with his current situation. Of course the healing of his body internally, externally from head to toes and that he will just have peace and God's love surrounding him...and truely feel that comfort.

Once again thanks for all the prayers and support. Visitors have been a great support for our whole family and especially mom. I know some hesitate in coming and wonder if it is really okay or been inappropriately told that visitors were not welcomed....but again visitors ARE welcomed. It is great to see how mom's face lights up when she all of the sudden sees a face coming off the elevators that she knows. If you want to make sure that mom or someone will be up there the waiting room number is the best way to find out: 713-441-3311. God Bless!

Trachy Tuesday

NOTE: Mom will not be at the hospital until the 6pm visit this evening. Also, best waiting room phone to contact us is still 713-441-3311 (ask for "TELGE"). And, if you want to give blood in Dad's name at Methodist, he'll get credits for weekdays with free Valet parking!

Dad got his tracheostomy today, and it went well according to doctors and nurses. We visited him at 11am, and he LOOKED GREAT! We could actually see his face, instead of tubes, tape, etc. He is sedated for the rest of the day to help him recover and heal. All vitals were very stable. May need more dialysis today. Said they might try to wake him this evening, but probably not until tomorrow morning.

Monday, December 1, 2008

Monday Night

Dad will be getting a tracheostomy tomorrow morning, around 8am, and keep him sedated most of the day as well for healing. They believe this will not only make him more comfortable when conscious, but reduce the amount of infection possibilities, etc. He was sedated all day, heart beat around 70, blood pressure around 130/72. His white blood cell count has gone up a bit, so they are watching him for infection, but he is still on antibiotic drip. Also received a non-contrast CT scan of his head to check for aneurysm, hemmoraging, etc. Was all clear. Yea!

Doctor stated we should expect to be in ICU for AT LEAST another week. It all depends on how well Dad is doing with his breathing, and other vitals, which have been steady. Have a better understanding of the ventilator, as it was explained to us incorrectly. It is set to breathe for him 14 times a minute, and he is breathing 19-22 times per minute. So Dad is taking his own breaths about 5-7 times per minute.

Mom may not be around the hospital much until the 6pm visit please call us in advance if you are coming. Just have lots of other stuff to do, and hard to get it done in the few hours we are home at night and in the mornings. We had lots of visitors today, and were truly blessed. Last night Mom said, "If I ever say I don't have any friends, just slap me!"

Monday morning...1 week later

It was an emotionally difficult morning visit for Mom today. Dad has been sedated a bit more, as his heart rate, blood pressure, breathing, etc. had risen due to his increased consciousness...and he was getting anxious. His heart beat became a bit irregular again. Also, he was in the middle of a 4-hour dialysis session during our visit, which was discouraging to Mom too. The nurses said his kidneys are working, just not filtering the toxins as well as needed in his condition (this is not new news). Kidney damage takes months to repair, so it could be a long road.

The pulmonary doctor came in during the visit, and said he is wanting to do a tracheotomy on Dad, as it will be LESS invasive than the current breathing tube, and more comfortable / less stressful when he is awake. He said he has been improving, and doesn't want him to have a recession...and believes a trach is the way to go. Said it heals itself once removed.

Continue to pray for Dad's LIFE! Mom is so concerned that people have gotten "good news" that they don't understand he is in ICU, and in critical condition. We are also hoping a few people continue to visit each day, as the longer this lasts the less visitors arrive...and your presence has been a HUGE boost to the family. Also pray for Dad's emotional well-being, and for all of our health during this physical, spiritual, and emotional stress.