Thursday, February 12, 2009

Dad Has an Infection

Please add to your has an infection. I just got off the phone with him and he said his white blood count went WAY up. I asked him if he thought he had C-DIFF again, and his response was, "I hope not". They are culturing/testing to try to figure it out. He said that he threw up once already and felt like he was going to do it again and hung up quickly.

Mom is not there either as she had to go to Texas City to take MeeMaw to the Dr. and try to get MeeMaw some help. I talked to mom at 11:30am and they were being called back to the exam room. She is suppose to call me when she gets in the car, it is now 2pm and I haven't heard back.

Please continue to keep these new developments in your prayers. Dad sounded horrible, and I am very concerned as it sounds a lot like what we have been through before. Thanks!

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