Friday, February 13, 2009

Update on Dad's Infection: C-DIFF

Dad does have C-DIFF again and right now is: throwing up, diarrhea, nausea, extremely week, can't do any therapies, and only has until Wed to be at TIRR. He has been moved back into a private room, I do not know the room #. I know for now he is unable to handle visitors, although mom can, and I'm sure would like some company off and on. We knew that we would have up times and down times, but it doesn't make the down time any easier...especially when he doesn't have much time left in a great facility.

Side Note: MeeMaw made it through her doctor's apt. The doctor raised her pain med, and gave her an appetite inducer. She also had blood in her ear so she had to go see an ear dr. She has an ear infection, although they weren't sure if the blood was from that or her fall. She is back at the assisted living facility. Thanks for all the prayers with her also.

Please, please pray for a fast recovery with dad! Thank you so much!!!

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