Wednesday, January 7, 2009

Hard Morning for Dad

I talked to dad around noon and he has had a very hard day. He said that he has had horrible nausea. They gave him some pills earlier this morning (after the supervisor had to be called again because the nurse wouldn't go in there...he was by himself), but it didn't touch it. He said that he was going to call and ask for the shot when we hung up, hopefully he will get it in a timely manor.

Please keep up the prayers. He is exhausted and tired of being sick and feeling so horrible. He is rebuking the infection and praying for some relief himself as he is laying there in bed. I told him that we had an army out there praying for him and his recovery.

Thank you!

1 comment:

Cherie said...

I can tell you from experience....Flagyl can be very nauseating and can totally ruin your appetite. Perhaps if he is aware of that , he may be able to overcome it and eat.