Sunday, January 11, 2009

Sunday Update

Just a short update about today. This morning was kind of rough as dad didn't feel well and his stomach was really extended. He had a few different doctors come in and look at him, they took an x-ray of him, but as of 3 this afternoon they were not sure what the problem was. The x-ray came back normal, so they were still trying to figure it out. He is slowly able to eat some again, which is a great thing to see.

He is talking more and will talk on the phone and is back to visiting some. Mom could really really use the visits especially. She is facing the reality that life is going to be very different now in all aspects of it and it is hard to swallow. She is being very strong through this whole thing and being nothing but strong in front of dad, but give her a hug long enough outside of the room and you will see some of how hard this really is. I know she would love to see a friendly face at any time. If you want to call and make sure she is there, feel free, or you can just show up. Guaranteed that dad will be there. ;-)

Please continue the prayers listed previous and also that if something is wrong with his stomach that the doctors will figure it out. God Bless!


Cherie said...

I'm not sure I understand the comment that your mom is facing the fact that life in all aspects will be different from now on. Is there something you have not shared with us?

The pain and confusion are hallmarks of hospital borne infections and deconditioning. Get the infections under control and the body reconditioned through PT and PT and ST for the swallowing issues and it may be months, but Tim as we knew him is still here and will be again.

I'm glad he's starting to feel a bit better with the meds he's on now.

Elizabeth said...

Just changes in life: now living up at the hospital for most of the day time hours, now taking care of dad and her mom and not forgetting to take care of herself either, all the stress that goes along with everything, my dad unable to work right now (God willing he will sooner then later), their home not having a full bathroom downstairs only upstairs, etc...

Mark and I along with our families can help some, but it is not the same as living it day to day with a spouse.