Rounds from today are again reported to us from Cherie who was in attendance via phone:
Rounds on Tim today brought the following information:
Tim’s C-Diff has set all therapy back by a week so he is no longer able to do acute levels of rehabilitation. He will be on a three week course of Flagyl (from last Thursday when it started) and longer if the diarrhea continues. His white count is down this morning to 8,000 (was at 20,000 with high normal at 10,000) so the antibiotic is working. He no longer has a fever and diarrhea is slowing. Dr. Zuir was covering for Dr. Bodenheimer who was not available for rounds. The CT scan scheduled for noon is to see if they can get a clearer picture of the problem in the mid back area causing lower extremity, bladder and bowel problems so it will not affect transfer to skilled nursing facility but will direct rehab planning for the future.
His need to catheterize has increased from every four hours to every three with this illness. No urinary tract infection but he is much less independent with this than a week ago and needs more assistance. No longer at acute rehab level. Has slipped to skilled nursing level. No open areas of skin. The area on the back of his calf has now healed and closed.
Occupational Therapy:
Emily states that he has deteriorated in independence from this time last week due to the infection. He is less independent in cathing, showering, transfers, dressing than a week ago and needs to restart bowel training at the SNF.
Physical Therapy:
Tim has missed all PT sessions since this time last week due to infection so it is quite likely he has lost a great deal of independence in all areas that were being worked on. He is no longer capable of acute level of rehab so the SNF with a lower demand on time and energy is more appropriate for his current level of ability. The SNF and TIRR will work together to put appropriate rehab plan in place.
Discharge plan:
Worth has made the referrals to the two facilities Bonnie identified in Pasadena and League City. Ambulance transport will be arranged for tomorrow and the transfer made on the basis of which place has an available bed for tomorrow. Tim no longer is able, because of infection, to do acute level of rehab so a SNF is the appropriate place for him to receive the care and rehab he is currently able to do. If a bed is not available in the first choice facility, Tim has the option to transfer as soon as a bed is available there.
Bonnie then read a scripture (I Thes 1: 2-3) to the staff thanking them for the care they had taken of Tim and her and how all had worked so diligently to bring him this far from where her was on November 24th.
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Dear Bonnie and All,
I am truly sorry that Tim has had such a long and painful struggle and that you all have also.
My son had c-diff for a very long time and he also took flagyl and vancomyacin. He believes that he finally recoved because he took an over-the-counter medication called ACIDIPHILUS. Perhaps the doctors may allow Tim to try this sometime.
Thank you so much for keeping us all updated with your blog.
You are all in my prayers daily.
Love and Prayers, Barbara Longwell
Acidiphilus is almost mandated when one is on long term antibiotics in order to restore the normal healthy bacteria to the GI tract and prevent diarrhea. My doc always reminds me to buy it and take it religiously when I am on antibiotics for anything. Without it, infections hang on longer and one is susceptible to yeast infections and thrush (yeast in the mouth) which can interfere with nutrition , taste, swallowing.
You can get acidiphilus in any health food store in the refrigerator (room temperature capsules do not have active culture and do not work as well). In the absence of the supplement, yogurt daily (1-2 servings) is a must.
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