Monday, December 1, 2008

Monday Night

Dad will be getting a tracheostomy tomorrow morning, around 8am, and keep him sedated most of the day as well for healing. They believe this will not only make him more comfortable when conscious, but reduce the amount of infection possibilities, etc. He was sedated all day, heart beat around 70, blood pressure around 130/72. His white blood cell count has gone up a bit, so they are watching him for infection, but he is still on antibiotic drip. Also received a non-contrast CT scan of his head to check for aneurysm, hemmoraging, etc. Was all clear. Yea!

Doctor stated we should expect to be in ICU for AT LEAST another week. It all depends on how well Dad is doing with his breathing, and other vitals, which have been steady. Have a better understanding of the ventilator, as it was explained to us incorrectly. It is set to breathe for him 14 times a minute, and he is breathing 19-22 times per minute. So Dad is taking his own breaths about 5-7 times per minute.

Mom may not be around the hospital much until the 6pm visit please call us in advance if you are coming. Just have lots of other stuff to do, and hard to get it done in the few hours we are home at night and in the mornings. We had lots of visitors today, and were truly blessed. Last night Mom said, "If I ever say I don't have any friends, just slap me!"

1 comment:

Lucy Deliganis said...

so good to hear of friends/and family staying close. Thank you for the continual updates as I don't want to telephone & increase your cell phone minutes. I still have the cold so i'm staying away but praying. Tell your mom I love her