Monday, December 29, 2008

A very good Monday

Dad slept well last night, and had no issues to where he needed any "assistance." He again ate all his breakfast. They did another swallow-evaluation, and he passed! Yea! Now he can eat or drink anything on the menus they give him, and won't have to be "syrupy" liquids. Dad also sat up in one of the special chairs for about 3 hours today, which is good to get him in a more natural upright position. Also, they may take out Dad's dialysis ports on Tuesday or Wednesday, as they say he won't need them.

Mom spoke with the CEO of the hospital today about our issues. She said that he was very understanding, and listened to everything she had to say. He even took notes! He agreed that her concerns were valid, and that the nursing service level described was completely unacceptable. While we understand that this isn't ICU, the fact that no one would even attempt to respond for at least 45 minutes is ridiculous (in fact, a few times at night it took 2+ hours for a nurse to even pop a head in...what if you're choking, fallen, having a heart attack, have defecated on yourself, etc.???) . The little intercoms on the TV remotes don't work, so basically, a nurse HAS to come to the room to find out why they're being called. Mom did a great job of outlining everything reasonably and fairly, mentioned that the top supervisor's phone was ringing off the hook due to people calling out of desperation, and gave other patients' examples. So we are hoping he does something about it.

Thank you all for your prayers, visits, emails, etc. It has been a real blessing to Mom and Dad both. Dad has loved seeing old friends, even though the circumstances aren't ideal. Your love has been greatly felt these past 5+ weeks.

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