Saturday, December 27, 2008

Sat Night Update

Well apparently last night after all the calling and talking to the supervisor that mom did, things got much better! Dad said that he had a good night. After they gave him his pain medicine he was able to sleep more then he had all week and the nurse came in during the night in a timely manor the few times he needed something. Praise God! From what I can tell things today went okay with the nurse.

We were not able to get an apointment with anyone at the other facility with it being the weekend. So we are going to stay where we are for now, give it through the weekend, see how things go and see if we have any changes while we are in a few days of not being being on a holiday skeleton crew. We figure with new years we will go back on skeleton crew for another couple of days next week. On Monday there are suppose to be 3 supervisors at Kindred instead of just one like it has been with the holiday, so on Monday mom is going to sit down and have a long talk about what has happened up to that point and what we expect. I am going to try my hardest to attend that meeting also. We were encouraged by how things went last night after the big ordeal and encouraged with there being more people on staff today. They are still not staying with him while he eats breakfast like they are suppose to as he needs one on one that will obviously be an important thing to address on Monday. Once again I plan on coming up with a list of topics.

Dad's doctor while at Kindred came in tonight (actually his sub while his dr is out for a couple of days) and mom said they had a real good conversation. Doctor said that dad is getting better and stronger everyday and looking good on his pace of recovery. They are also talking about taking his ports out that they use for Dialysis because he hasn't needed it for 8 days now and his numbers are also continuing to improve everyday. Another Great answer to all the prayers!!!

Dad is suppose to have another barium swallow test, either Sun or Mon. Dad is hoping for Sun and that he will be cleared to drink and eat like normal. Today while I was there he was talking about how he is REALLY tired of everything being a thick consistancy...and ready to take the test again with hopes of passing. They are also doing electrode (sp?) therapy on his legs now to try to get the muscles really likes this and it seems to be helping some. About an hour after he had done a session he was able to move his toes a little bit more. He still doesn't have all his feeling back...I know he is still numb at the ends of his fingers some, the tops of his feet and I'm not sure if it is all back in his toes yet. The doctor tonight said that because the tops of his feet are brused pretty bad it makes him think that they put in IV's there and if that is the case it is normal for it to take awhile to get all the feeling back.

Overall dad is looking a little better everyday. Today he looked alot better with actually getting some sleep last night. I just pray that tonight goes as smoothly, it's hard to have hope that it is just knowing how the nights can be in any hospital. He is starting to watch some cooking and fix it shows on TV...which are both up dad's ally so it was good to see him getting an interest in those. Today while I was there he was talking about how he was watching an interesting show about building a chair. You could tell he had that look of...that would be a fun project some day. It was a great, "that's my dad" conversation.

Some smaller details to pray about along with all the normal things: the doctors would know the right timing of removing the ports; he is getting 10 meds at the same time and upsetting his stomach with the nasea mentioend before...we had mentioned this to the dr but no changes prayer that these changes might be approved if it would still be safe for him to have that change; that God would show favor for dad to the nurses and staff; that we would be guided on rather to keep him there or change him (our concern now that we have a sliver of things getting better is that if we change him we would have to start all over with making ourselves known at a new place); mom's strength as she is running on empty and exhausted to the point of not always function to well; mom is going tuesday to help my grandmother (her mom) and take her to the dr as my grandmother isn't doing well prayer for that whole day and situation.

Thanks again for all the family support!!! We hope everyone had a Fantasic Christmas and has a Happy New Year!! God Bless!

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