Monday, December 22, 2008

Monday Update

Well it has been a day of my brother and I neither able to post and dad was transfered so information was unknown for awhile.

This is the little bit I know from mom. Dad arrived at Kindred around 3pm this afternoon. He said the transition went pretty well. Dad is in his own room with a TV and mom is able to be in there for most of the day....which is a good thing because there is a big difference in the level of care. He is still in ICU, and from what mom can tell it's a ratio of 3 patients to 1 nurse, but you still have to page them to come and do things. Example around 8pm dad had mentioned that his bottom was starting to hurt him and the nurses hadn't been rotating him to prevent bed sores like Methodist did every 2 they had to call to get it done. Mom said they couldn't get the TV to turn off or even change channels, although turning off was the main problem with dad trying to sleep tonight. Also the temperature in his room was real cold and the maintance guy came and looked at it but it still wasn't working right. Mom had to leave the night knowing these things were not fixed yet, so we are praying and trusting God that He will work them out for dad. She was going to call the nurse when she arrived home to let her know that even though she wasn't physically there right now, she was there in mind and spirit checking on things. I'm glad that mom can be in there more because it seems that he will need it.

On a brighter note today was the first day that dad said he could tell he felt a little better...very little bit, but that is better then nothing. Mom also thinks that he might be feeling better because he is asking her to do more: please move this leg, move that leg, adjust the pillow, get this or that. Although the care will be less at Kindred, we are hoping the fact that he is now able to have some peace (of his own room) that it will add to the healing.

Dad has a phone in his room although he can't talk on the phone and so someone will mainly be able to answer it during the visiting times. We aren't sure yet about all the regulations with visitors in general, how many, when, etc. Mom is going to try to find out more about this tomorrow as she gets to know the personel more. When we get more information we will post it, along with a phone number to reach them. We are hoping to get the information for you guys by tomorrow afternoon.

I do not know anything about his white count, temp, diaysis, or more detailed information about how HE is doing. I have some questions for mom to ask the nurse tomorrow that will answer some of these things. Again hopefully tomorrow afternoon I can post more.

On a personal side note: We are taking my son to a pulmonologist tomorrow morning, I would appreciate added prayers for this apointment, guidence, some answers to what has been going on, etc.

I am sorry this post has come so late in the night and hopefully we can have more information for you all tomorrow afternoon. God Bless!

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